Lonely | Bede

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(A sample of what I can do)


Bede slowly walked over and picked up the pokeball, wiping it clean. He smiled and placed it in his bag, continuing his walk through the Glimwood Tangle. 

The shifting of leaves and a quiet noise made the curly-haired boy jump. Thinking it could be a pokemon, he gripped his pokeball and slowly made his way towards the sound. He was led to a small clearing in the rather dense forest, in the center there was a familiar silhouette of a girl on her knees. She was crying. 

Though Bede didn't say anything at first, he was quite surprised. Y/n L/n, the trainer endorsed by the champion himself, had usually been the more optimistic one out of the other challengers. She always was in a good mood, she made sure everyone was okay and always helped out in dire situations. Bede questioned why in the world a girl like her could be so sad. The boy sighed, stepping forward into the clearing. He slowly approached Y/n with a soft demeanor. 

Y/n looked up, jumping in shock. 

"Hey! I didn't mean to scare you, I won't hurt you, I promise." The boy said in a reassuring tone. Y/n looked hesitant.

"B-bede? What are y-you doing here?" Y/n sniffled. Bede's sudden kindness surprised her, she was so used to his cold comments that she was caught off guard. 

"I figured if I caught stronger pokemon the Chairman would rethink withdrawing me," Bede mumbled, "But that's not of concern, I demand to know why you're crying!"

Y'n's eyes welled up with tears again as she tried to speak a reply. "I'm n-no... I'm O-ok-"She gripped an item she held close to her torso, choking out parts of words. Bede crouched down and gently pulled on the item to see what it was. It was a picture, one of a man with eye/color eyes and hair/color hair. He was holding a little girl that looked like the younger version of Y/n. Bede looked into Y/n's teary eyes and knelt down in front of her. 

"Is that your dad?"

"Y-yes... he passed three years ago today..." Y/n whispered. She held the picture tighter and curled up around it. "H-he liked forests.. back in K-kanto. We would al-always go to Santalune Forest together and play with the scatterbugs," Y/n looked past Bede and into the glowing brush. "He'd like this forest. It's really pr-p-pretty." Y/n's breath hitched as she shut her eyes and began to sob.

"I'm... I'm sorry. Y/n, I had no idea." Flashes of the times Bede had been especially rough on Y/n flew through his mind. He winced, regretting those memories. He hadn't noticed until now how nice she had been to him. How she ignored most his rude comments, always offering to heal his pokemon when they meet- even after she beat the crap out of him in battle. How she makes him and Hop check in to make sure they're both doing well. How she tried to go after the Macro Cosmos that dragged him off. How desperate she was for friendship.

"It's so lonely without him!" Y/n cried, "Mom doesn't even talk to me anymore, I don't even know where Hop is, I feel so alone... Bede, it's so lonely by myself... After he died everything fell apart!"

Without a second thought, Bede wrapped his arms around Y/n and squeezed tightly. He knew what it felt like to be alone. He knew how loneliness could take a toll mentally. She didn't deserve any of it.

"It's okay. You don't have to be lonely anymore. I... I'm sorry I was so rude to you; I guess I've just been pretty lonely myself." Bede felt Y/n nuzzle into his chest. Her sobs eased, becoming quiet sniffles and hitches. 

"Bede, what about t-the Chairman stuff? D-don't you want to go off and train o-on your own?" Y/n pulled back slightly, but her arms were still wrapped around Bede's torso. 

"He withdrew me, remember? I don't need him anyways... him and Oleana treat me like rubbish anyways," Bede scoffed, giving Y/n a smile. "But you don't you treat me... well. I would rather be around you anyways. You give me a nice feeling..." Bede's cheeks tinted pink, looking away to hide them. 

"You like being around me?" Y/n was generally surprised, she thought Bede hated her.

"Who doesn't, Y/n, you're too kind to everyone... even when they don't deserve it. Again, I'm sorry for my comments in the past, I really am. I don't want you to be lonely anymore." Bede's voice grew softer as he held her face in his hand. "I won't let you be alone anymore... as long as you keep being you, Y/n. I'll keep you company even when you're Champion." 

Y/n giggled, sighing into Bede's arms.

"I'd like that, Bede, I'd like that very much."

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