Dragon Girl | Hop

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The winds blew across the lovely gardens of Turffield, the sweet sun illuminating the rice and grass. 


Y/n snapped a quick photo of a Yamper sleeping in a bed of flowers. She chuckled, watching her Axew slowly sneak up on its next victim.


The Yamper shot up in surprise, letting out a yelp. It turned around, glaring angrily at the tiny dragon, who was in fact rolling with laughter. Yamper growled, walking over to a small pile of hay to resume its nap.

"Hatchet, don't be so mean!" Y/n scolded, tapping her Axew's nose, "One of these days you're going to mess with the wrong Pokemon, then you'll really be in trouble..." Y/n mumbled, checking the few shots she had taken. Raising her camera, she posed for a picture. She looked over to her shiny dragon prince, rolling her eyes at his fake guilty expression, "Oh whatever, get in you prankster," she sighed, Hatchet gladly climbing up onto her lap. 


"You really are Raihan's sister!" 

Y/n turned her head to see Hop with his Dubwool, a clipboard set gently on its back. Y/n stood up with a stretch, Hatchet in one arm and her camera in the other.

"I didn't know you'd be here, Hop, I would've brought more snacks. How is working with Sonia?" Y/n smiled, handing Hop a muffin. He took it with joy.

"It's a lot of work, but once I got the hang of it, I started having fun! Speaking of Sonia, she sent me here to learn more about the electric Pokemon in Route 4," Hop grabbed his clipboard and handed it to Y/n. "It's kind of cool observing Pokemon in the wild, you should join me sometime, Mate." 

Y/n looked at the information on the paper. She noticed how neat his handwriting was, nothing like Hop's quick-to-act nature. She smiled, thinking of how careful he was writing things out as to please Sonia. The information he gathered was also quite impressive, how detailed everything was amazed her. She remembered the last time he was assigned a research project back when they were in school. He received a solid C, and was utterly devastated. No matter how many times her and his mother tried convincing him it wasn't a big deal, he acted like he'd been death-sentenced. It wasn't until Leon confessed he didn't have the best grades either when Hop finally lightened up. The memory made Y/n giggle.

"Oi Mate, what's so funny?"

Y/n looked back over to Hop.

"Ah, just an old memory of us. I must say, you're research is quite impressive. You've come a long way from that C in Mrs. Marche's class." Y/n chuckled. Hop playfully punched her arm.

"Hey! That was like six years ago, I can't believe you still remember that!" Hop laughed, settling himself on a fallen log. Y/n sat beside him, still looking through the clipboard. Hatchet was on her other side, digging through her bag for snacks. 

As Y/n looked through the papers, she found that none of them except one had pictures to go along with them. She frowned at the lack of photography.

"Hop, why is it that only Electrike has a picture with the description?" Y/n asked, flipping through the others. She glanced over to Hop, who was mid-bite through the muffin. 

"Oh, Sonia's printer broke the other day, I have to wait until next week to print anything out." Hop sighed, taking another bite out of his muffin. "This is delicious, Mate! Where did you get these?" He gave the other half to Dubwool, who eagerly ate it up. 

"O-oh! I um, I baked them this morning. My Appletun helped me out," Y/n blushed, turning back to her Axew, who had found another muffin. Hop looked at Y/n with admiration.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2020 ⏰

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