Actually Knowing Him

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We're sitting there and talking,shockingly we have some thing in common. Like colors ,food ,family problems.

Jay: So is the school you've always wanted to go to.
Andi:No but it's the farthest thing away from my family.
Jay: Why do you want to get away from your family so bad?
Andi: Because I know that my mom is going to try some way to dictate how I live my life at college.
What about you?
Jay: what do you mean ?
Andi: come on now Ik there is someone in your family that has treated you like you nothing or made you sad.
Jay : well it was my dad. He felt that I am a dumb, didn't have much to live for , and when I was little he use to beat me over and over again.
Andi: Why?
Jay : He said that it was because I wouldn't stop crying. And he was a alcoholic person who abused my mom. So we moved away from him and he never found us. My mom changed her work place ,cell number, even cut of some of her friends just to keep us safe and we never saw him again.
Andi: Damn you got so much going on.
Jay: Yeah and I'm sorry for me being drunk I'm trying not to fall in my dads foot steps all i need is a little help.
Andi: You got me we're roommates so the best thing we can do is help each other out. What's your next class.
Jay: Science, Dr. Williams.
Andi: Me too.
Jay:Wanna wall together.
Wow he's smart,sweet,caring,responsive,and sensitive. Dang God why couldn't you make all boys like that. We're walking side by side into the classroom and I look and see Tammy and Jasmine.
Tammy and Jasmine: Ahahahaha🥳
Andi: Y'all taking this class too
Jasmine and Tammy: Yes ma'ma
Tammy: Ummm so you just gonna walk in here with that dark tall fine ass brother on yo arm and not tell us anything.
I told them everything you all know and they were rooting for him.

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