Untitled asterisk cough asterisk

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Señor duck POV
I wake up only to find myself in a alley way probably next to walmart. Why am I here and why can I hear the el chavo del 8 theme? Probably cause of my cough juice 😎😎🤤. "Oh right I need to go buy more cough juice" I tell myself as I am a complete loser that has no friends to drink cough syrup with. Oh wait I forgot about my s-stutter. I leave the dark alley way trying to find my way to will smiths house.
"Señor pato?" I hear someone say. I turn around to see my one and only true love 💕 Michelle Obama❤️❤️❤️❤️.

"Alex i have finally found you we've all been searching all around the cube" Michelle says with tear eyes. A large figure walks behind her.
With barely anytime to process anything in my head "MICHELLE!"  I SCREAM AS SHES SWOOPED AWAY. I fall into mud accidentally eating ass on my way down.

Will señor pato find out where he is? What's with Michelle being high? WHERE DID OBAMA CARE GO? Who's ass? Next time on dragon ball Z

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