Chapter Six

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*A few months later*

Y/n : *phone rings* *sees that it's Kodie calling* *declines it*

Diggy : *walks in* *chuckles*

Y/n : *tosses it on the bed* *looks up at him*

Diggy : Still refusin to answer yo phone...? *laughs*


Diggy : *sits by you* *puts you in his lap*

Y/n : *sighs* He won't stop calling me! It's like he doesn't get the fuckin message... *lays back on his chest*

Diggy : *lays down against the headboard* *wraps arms around you*

Y/n : I don't wanna talk to that bastard!!

Diggy: Just change yo number babe..

Y/n : That's too much work..

Diggy : *chuckles* If it's too much work, call up Uncle Rodney and tell him to go for the kill shot..

Y/n : *looks up at him* *kisses him* Cause no one knows what he did to me beside you and Nicki.. *gets up*

Diggy : *grabs your hand* Babe..

Y/n : You hungry? *raises eyebrow*

Diggy : *sighs* *lets you go* No..

Y/n : *shrugs* Okay... *walks downstairs*

Fuck is his problem? He knows that him & Nichole are the only ones that know what Kodie did to me. I'm trying to avoid the fuckin situation, but he always gets mad when I state facts. I can't tell anyone about this! I don't wanna go back, I love the state that I'm in....with him, being happy with him.

*In the kitchen*

Y/n : *makes club sandwich* *sings* What he won't doooo, na na... *dances around*

Diggy : *smiles* *leans on island*

Y/n : *turns around & sees Diggy* *gasps* *holds chest* Oh my God..

Diggy : *smirks* You really gotta stop singing my records.

Y/n : *sighs* *turned around to the pantry*

Diggy : *walks over to you* *hold you from behind* *kisses you neck*

Y/n : Thought you were mad! I could've sworn you were just mad..

Diggy : *turns you around* You really think I can stay mad at you??

Y/n : *shrugs* I don't know... Can you?

Diggy : *chuckles* *kisses you* *walks off*

Y/n : *shout* That didn't answer my question..

Diggy : *silent* *sits on sofa & watches television*


Diggy : *phone rings* *answers it* Waddup fool?

*on the phone*

Spin : Should be askin you the same damn thang? Hell you been?

Diggy : *looks into the kitchen* *smiles* Nowhere man, I just been chillin..

Spin : Huh..? Don't lie nigga, I know you..

Diggy : *chuckles*

Y/n : DIG!!

Diggy : Wassup babygirl?

Y/n : Come hereeeee!

Spin : Fuck is that?

Diggy : *stands up* None of yo goddamn business.. *walks in the kitchen*

Spin : Yeah okay, whateva...just meet me at the club tonight..

Diggy : Yeah iight.. Later *hangs up* *leans against island* You yell? *licks lips*

Y/n : *turns around* *picks up knife*

Diggy : Woah! *raises hand in the air*

Y/n : *rolls eyes* *cuts club sandwich* *slides plate across island* Eat..

Diggy : *smirks* Woof.. *licks lips*

Y/n : *giggles* Seriously Dig, you haven't eaten all day.. *leans against island*

Diggy : *laughs* Iight, iight.. *slides plate closer to him* *bites sandwich* We going out tonight..

Y/n : *stands up straight up* What? No I'm not!

Diggy : *swallows* You bout to get out the house tonight!

Y/n : *folds arms* *looks him up & down* Says who?

Diggy : Me.. *bites sandwich*

Y/n : *laughs* Yeah, okayyy..

Y/n bullshitting forreal.. We just got back from my tour last week & she ain't left this house since. I know she don't wanna run into Kodie, but damn.. It's been months, he probably got more hoes than Tip.. Shit! I'm trynna get her more comfortable going out, she needs to be happy....she needs to feel like she secure and that she can trust other people besides me..

*phone rings*

Y/n : *glances over at it* So what time are we leaving?

Diggy : *shrugs* Seven, maybe eight..

Y/n : *phone rings again* Okay.. *drops phone in dishwater* I'll be in the shower.. *walks upstairs*

Diggy : *chuckles*

*Later on*

Y/n : *checks yourself out in the mirror*

Diggy : *puts shoes on* *looks up at you* *smirks*

Y/n : Urgh! *takes off your shirt*

Diggy : *bites lip*

Y/n : *turns around* *sighs* You little perv.. *smiles*

Diggy : *walks over to you* If you had on a bra, I wouldn't check you out.. *pulls you into him*

Y/n : *playfully rolls your eyes* You'd still do it anyway..

Diggy : You don't know that..

Y/n : Huh.. *pecks his bottom lip* *walks pass him* *grabs a backless mini dress* *takes off pants & panties* *puts on dress* *slides on Alexander McQueen high heels* *turns around* Okay.. *sighs* How do I look?? *spins in a circle*

Diggy : *looks over at you* Damn ma.. *licks lip* *rubs hands together* *walks over to you*

Y/n : *giggles* Why thank you..

Diggy : *pulls you into him* *kisses you* *grabs your ass* Mm.. Feelin a little loose in here. Isn't that what underwear is for?

Y/n : *smirks* Too bad I'm not wearing any..

Diggy : *eyes widen* Aw shit!

Y/n : *giggles* *pushes him back* Let's go. *walks off*

Diggy : *licks lips* *follows you*

All I'm Really Asking For Is You! : A Diggy Simmons Short StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu