The New Rule

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(A/N- Hello! This is my first ever story on Wattpad, so please ignore any spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, or mistakes of any kind. Also this story is not set in a certain year, however I will be using some of my favorite things from different years. Credit to our queen Jk Rowling for the Harry Potter universe)

Third Person POV

"And that's when Fred and George got grounded.....again" Ron says with a mouth full of chocolate frog. "Oh Ronald chew up your food before you talk" Hermione rolls her eyes in annoyance and disgust while she flips a page of her book.

  Harry stares out the window pondering what this year can bring to him. Every year so far has brought adventures that he never expected. Each more dangerous then the other but he try's to ignore the fact that one year could be his last.

Even though times may be rough, he always has his best friends by his side. He will always have someone to talk to about his problems, and for that he is eternally great full.

"Harry are you ok?" Ron asks the sad looking boy beside him. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just.....thinking" he says smiling softly at his best friend. "Ok, whatever you say mate" he shrugs and goes back to his Bertie Botts every flavor beans. Harry chuckles and looks back to Hermione who has her nose in a book as always. It's a new muggle book her parents got her for her good work at Hogwarts. Sometimes Harry wonders how one can comprehend so many words at once. He looks back out the window smiling.

Time skip- Hogwarts Feast

The Golden Trio sit in a cluster at the Gryffindor table at Hogwarts. It's home for Harry, and a lovely place for the other two.

Dumbledore stands up and clears his throat quite loudly gaining the attention of the students. "I have some news to share," he calmly states. Harry gulps, "What could it be this time?" he whispers to his friends who just shrug in response. "We have pulled the scores on our annual owls from last year and come to notice they are lower then usual, so me and the professors have decided it would be best if we put a new rule in place," all the students groan. Some yell. "That's Rubbish!" Fred and George yell in sync. "Now, Now everyone" Dumbledore says making everyone quiet down. The Golden Trio exchange nervous glances. "Everyone will be assigned a partner and will stay with that partner for the whole year. You will work, study, and stay with your partner. There will be no more sleeping with your house as you and your partner will share a room, however there will still be common rooms for each house to meet up in" he finishes leaving every student in shock. Mouths agape, eyes wide. McGonagall quietly chuckles in the background at everyone's reactions.

Food appears on the tables never easing to surprise the students. Any food you can think of is on the tables. All the students don't hesitate to dig in to the delicious food.

  "I've missed this" Ron says while stuffing his face with food as if he hasn't been fed this whole summer break. Harry instead just is pushing his food around, not having a appetite. "What's wrong Harry?" Hermione asks, worry in her eyes. Harry looks up and smiles. "Oh nothing, I'm just a little worried about the partnering rule, that's all" he quickly says and Hermione smiles softly while putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Oh I'm sure it'll be fine Harry, there's no need to worry" she says making Harry's worry's ease away slightly. "Yea Harry, I'm sure it'll be fine" Ron says, chicken slightly coming out of his mouth as he spoke. "Ron, please swallow your food" Hermione says chuckling and handing him a napkin. Harry chuckles with her while actually starting to eat.

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