The First Day

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Harry's POV

I wake up in a unfamiliar room. "Ron?" I ask the air around me hoping to hear my best friends voice. I hear nobody's voice until I hear a familiar voice say. "Just me Potter" I sigh, memories flooding back.

I had to get partnered with a ferret, just had to! I sit up and make my bed. "Hey Malfoy?" I ask and and hear him groan. "What Potter" he says irritably, I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "What day is it" I ask and he gets up to do the same thing as I am. "Saturday" he says and I groan. I'm stuck with him for the rest of the day, lovely.

I walk to my closet to grab a outfit for the day. I finally saved up some money to buy my own clothes that fit so I now I have some decent clothes, not some old huge hand me downs.

I grab a crimson shirt and some black skinny jeans as well my toiletries to take a shower.

I make my way to our shared bathroom, it's a decent size and a combination of Gryffindor and Slytherin colors, those colors do go well together if you ask me.

Once I'm finished with my shower I walk out just in a towel as I usually do in Gryffindor. I see Malfoy's face grow red as he looks away in embarrassment. What the heck? "You good Malfoy?" I ask him almost curious to the fact that acted such a way. "Yep, just put on some clothes before I gauge my eyes out. The sight of you halfway naked is revolting" he sneers. I roll my eyes before going back to the bathroom with my clothes to change.

Once I'm done Malfoy goes to take a shower. I walk over to my bed and pull out a book as there is noting better to do. It's a pretty good book that 'Mione got me, it's a muggle book called 'A Dog's Way Home'.

While I'm reading I'm interrupted by the sight of Malfoy halfway naked. My eyes go wide. Why does he look hot- nope I'm AM NOT gay for Draco Malfoy, Not in a million years.

I hear someone cough and I shake my head out of my little day dream. I see a red faced Malfoy. "S-Sorry" I didn't mean to stutter. "Yea" I hear him mumble as he goes to change.

Do I like Draco- wait since when is he Draco to me. I don't like him, I hate him. Yep, only hate him, and it's going to stay that way!

Third Person Pov

Draco changes into his outfit for the day while gay panicking. "Does he like me?!" He whispers excitedly to himself. "No, he's as straight as a board......well- nope he's straight" he talks to himself. "Malfoy who are you talking to?" Harry yells from the bed area. Draco flushes while choking out "No-Nobody".

Once the pale boy is finished changing he makes his way to bed area to pick up his items. "Are you not coming down for breakfast?" he asks his raven haired roommate. "Oh yea, thanks for reminding me" he says while walking to the door.

  As Harry walks down to the great hall he crashes into someone. "Ouch, I'm sorry" he looks to see who he bumped into and it happens to be, you guessed it, Draco Malfoy. Harry puts out his hand for Draco to grab and Draco grabs it sending fireworks through the boy making him jolt back. They walk away without another word.

  Finally, he makes it to the great hall and meets the eyes of his best friends. He smiles and runs to sit by Ron as usual. "How was your first night with the ferret" Harry chuckles at his use of words before saying "tolerable" Ron's eyes go wide at Harry's statement. "I mean it wasn't nice and dandy, but it was tolerable. He barley spoke to me" Harry says while grabbing his breakfast food. Ron gives Harry a look of confusion. "Never expected that one" he says making Harry and Hermione chuckle. They sit talking about the new rule.

  "So Draco was your first night with Potter nice?" Pansy asks cutting up her french toast smirking. "It was fine Pansy" Draco huffs while biting into a green apple. "I did see him almost naked" Draco says with a blush creeping on his face. Pansy drops her fork making a clatter gathering the attention of the hall. "Do you really have nothing better in your life then to stare at me?!" she sneers and everyone goes back to their conversations like before. "Bloody Wankers" she mutters making Blaise snort.

Later on in the day Draco and Harry find themselves back in their room. Draco sits on his bed reading while Harry draws. "Could you keep it down Potter" Draco sneers making Harry internally roll his eyes. "I'm literally making no noise" he groans and Draco scoffs. "You have been mumbling to yourself and I can't read" he says and Harry grows silent. All you heard in the room were pencil scratching and pages flipping occasionally.

  Draco grows bored so he puts down his book to go see what Harry has been working on this whole time. What he sees surprises the boy so much he gasps. "Wow Potter I've never known you can draw" he says and Harry smiles a bit. What Draco sees is a very detailed picture of the Golden trio. They are all smiling and acting goofy, it scares Draco how perfect it is. "It's not done" Harry mutters moving the sketch away. "It looks pretty done to me, it's bloody perfect!" he says taking a seat on Harry's bed and grabbing the sketch. "Thanks I guess" he shyly mutters scratching his neck anxiously. "You know, I barley know anything about you Potter and we are going to be stuck with eachother for the year so maybe we should get to know eachother" Draco says making Harry flush. "Ok, well we can play 20 questions or whatever" he says and Draco nods and moves to sit Indian style Infront of Harry. "Malfoy's always go first so I'll go first Potter" he says making Harry internally roll his eyes, he scoffs instead. "What's your favorite color?" He asks and Harry laughs. "Out of all the questions you can ask me you choose that?" he asks laughing. Draco try's his best to hold back his chuckle. "Yes, we will start easy then we'll take it from there" Harry nods. "Red is my favorite color obviously" he says and Draco shrugs. "Never expected that one!" Draco says sarcastically. Harry gasps "I've never thought you out of all people would be sarcastic!" Draco rolls his eyes. "I'm human you know Potter" he sneers making Harry put up his hands in defense. "Ok, ok. My turn. What's your favorite color?" Harry asks while he spins his pencil around. "Hot pink" Draco says leaving Harry flabbergasted. "I'm joking! Im joking! It's actually grey or silver" he says and Harry nods.

About 10 minutes later the boys have actually gotten to know eachother pretty well. Their conversation got deeper as they asked away. "Um, well I don't really know any other questions except," he says and Harry does not think much of it. "What's your sexuality?" Draco asks and Harry's eyes go wide and a blush creeps on his face. "Uh I actually don't know" he chokes out and Draco's eyes go wide. Could Draco actually have a chance with him?

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