It's safe with him

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Harry's POV

I can't believe I actually told Malfoy that I'm questioning my sexuality. It was so stupid of me, honestly he's probably going to go around telling all of his stuck up friends and they will make fun of me for it.

"Are you okay Potter?" Malfoy asked, his tone making it sound as if he is almost concerned. I internally roll my eyes before saying "I'm fine" even though I really wasn't. I told my enemy one of my deepest secrets before I even told one of my best friends. I don't even trust Malfoy with a pencil I lend him yet I tell him this?

I get up off of the bed me and Malfoy once sat on together to go take a walk, I need to get my mind off of this. Walks usually help me calm down and think better then being locked in a room. "I'm going to go on a walk" I say in a monotone voice. Before Malfoy could respond I'm already out the door.

I speed walk down the halls as thoughts rush through my head. Without even realizing it, I crash into someone. "Sorry mate, I didn't see you" I said rubbing my head. I look to see who I bumped into of bloody course it's Malfoy. "Why are you here?" I ask sounding a bit more rude then I intended. "I could ask you the same" he spits back with just as much venom as I used with him. "I just wanted to get my mind off of things" I mumble and I try to walk away from the awkward situation. "Wait!" Malfoy grabs my arm. "What" I say, clearly annoyed. "If this is about what happened in the room I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you say something you didn't want to" he says softly while staring into my eyes. His eyes are so beautiful, I've never noticed. It's like grey cloudy sky's with ice shatters all over, the grey and light blue really compliment eachother. "It's fine" I mumble as I pull my arm out of his grasp.

Draco's POV

  I feel so bad. Harry told me something that he clearly wanted to keep to himself. I just want to reassure him that his secret is safe with me but that's not working. I don't know what to do.......I guess I'll just go to Pansy.

  On my way there I crash into someone. I rub my head and I hear that person say "sorry mate I didn't see you there" I look up to see who it is and it's Potter. He puts his hand out for me to grab so he can help me up, I take it and sparks shoot through my arm. Once he realizes it's me he pulls away at the speed of lightning. "What are you doing here" he says very rudely. "I could ask you the same" I say with just as much venom as he used. "I just wanted to get my mind off of things" he mumbles loud enough for me to hear. I really hope it's not about what happened in the room, I feel so bad. He try's to walk away before I got to chance to say anything. Before I could think I grab his arm in hope to keep him here. He shoots me a glare before saying "what" I gulp and say "If this is about what happened in the room, Im sorry." He stares into my eyes a bit longer the you usually would. "It's fine" he mumbles before walking away.

I knock on a door that has Granger and Pansy's name on there hoping one of them will answer. Luckily Pansy answers. "What's wrong?" she asks, I throw her a puzzled look. How can she know I need her help? "What can I not visit my friends once and awhile?" I ask pretending to be offended. "No, every time you come to specifically me it's to rant about your life or to ask me for help." She has a point there, I kinda feel bad that, that is the case. "Fine, yes I need help. It's about Potter" I say, almost whispering. She gives me a look I can't deceive but I walk into her room. It's exactly like mine except a bit more modest and it has a lingering aroma of perfume.

Pansy and I sit down to face eachother. "Would you like anything to drink?" she asks me. I shake my head and she nods. "Ok, spill" she says, her lips forming a smirk. "Well we were playing 20 questions and I might have asked a question that was clearly something he wanted to keep a secret but he said it and now I'm trying to reassure him that it's safe with me but he walked out the room" I say quickly and she nods, taking in all the information. "Well I would say just wait for him to come back, once you are both in your room just try and talk to him, if that doesn't work I'll speak to Hermione and try to get her to talk to him" she says and I smile. "Thank you again, Pansy" I say walking out the door. Her plan is good for now, I just really want to become friends with Potter and I think I already messed it up.

  A few hours later Potter walked back into our shared room looking very sweaty. He went to the bathroom and started a shower without saying a word. I take out a book I've been reading to occupy myself for the time being until to can talk to him about this. What should I say to him? 'Why are you mad at me?' no that's to forceful, I need to be nice and calm about it. I don't want to come out as rude, 'I'm sorry for whatever I did to you, can you please tell me what's wrong?' perfect that's what I say- My thoughts are cut off by Potter waking in with nothing on but a towel wrapped around his waist. I feel heat rush to my cheeks and I quickly look down at my book that is suddenly not interesting anymore. He drops the towel not even caring, to be polite I don't look no matter how much I want to. Once he's fully dressed he goes over to his bed and just sits there awkwardly. "I'm sorry" I blurt out, I put my book down and move to face him. "Wow never thought in my life I would hear those words out of your mouth" he chuckles and I roll my eyes. "What did I do to you?" I ask and he turns to face me. "I didn't want to tell you that, I'm sure you've already told your friends and the profit will be hearing about it tomorrow" he says catching me completely off guard, he really thought that? "No! I would never do that" I say and he scoffs. "Sure" he says and I groan. "Potter, I would never out you like that. I know how you feel right now" I say and he gives me a puzzled look. "How do you know?" he asks, now or never Draco. "Well I-I'm gay" I choke out and his eyes grow wide. "Really? I never thought you out of all people would be gay" he says, his mouth forming a smile "how long have you known?" he continues. "Ever since second year, I realized when all my friends had crushes on girls and I didn't like any of them" I simply say. The truth was I had a crush on you Potter. "Have you ever, had feelings for a guy yet?" he asks. You. "Yes, ever since 2nd year" I say and his eyes grow wide. "Who is he, and wow that's a long time" I chuckle. "It is, but I can't tell you who" he sighs. "I understand" he simply says. We spend the rest of the night just talking and giving eachother advice.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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