chapter 1: Lorelai

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It was a cold gloomy night and rain struck the night as Lorelai was looking at her television and wondering the same thing she did every single night. She wondered, why hasn't she gotten her powers like the other kids? maybe one day she would, but it worried her every night being powerless. She was turning 15 in 2 days and Lorelai was scared she wouldn't get her power. Was she cursed? Why was she like this? These were the questions that went through her mind as she turned away from her television now staring at her window looking at the small raindrops fall like her life. She thought she was hopeless. She didn't want to be lame, her parents were super cool and she wanted them to be proud of her. Her mother Lola had the power called "Invasion" where she could make someone think about something unrealistic that would hurt them deeply and they would stay cooped up in those thoughts for eternity. Meanwhile her father Eliseo had the power of ultimate k.o, where if someone had to use their power Eliseo would use ultimate k.o and their own power would hit themselves but 10x harder. Lorelai would dream for her power to come, thinking if she would achieve her mothers or her fathers or maybe a whole new power! All the other kids already had their powers starting the age of 5. Lorelai didn't find this fair and wanted to get her power already. After her daily thoughts that lasted hours she had finally decided to go to bed and dread for the next day.
The next day, Lorelai and her best friend Eliza walked to school. Lorelai asked Eliza
"Hey Elz how did you ever get your power..I'm turning 15 tomorrow and I still haven't gotten my power." Eliza started to feel frustrated that Lorelai asked her that every single day shouted
"Can't you see? You won't ever get a power, You are useless and won't ever be considered as apart of the muse tribe". Lorelai with tears running down her face like a river that had no end, started running away. She didn't know where she was going but all she knew that she was going to figure out how to achieve her power. Lorelai didn't want to be a disappointment to the goddess queen and she wanted to able to join the Demiurge clan. Lorelai was sick and tired of all the students in her class using their power and having to get the god/dess training class, for she wasn't allowed.
While Lorelai was running she bumped into somebody
"I'm so sorry sir, I am just in a rush and-"
Lorelai was stopped once she looked up at the guy. He was slim,with buff arms, the deepest greenest eyes, and black hair with the most jaw dropping face. He looked at her and said
"Pardon Ms. I didn't mean to" he went
On his knees and he used his power to grow a flower from the dirt as a sign of courtesy and gave it to her. Lorelai's cheeks turned as red as a beetroot while she wiped her tears away and as enchanted as she felt, the guy and her locked eyes. The handsome fellow helped Lorelai get up. As jittery Lorelai felt, she sensed some wicked aura around this fellow but decided to ignore it.
"My name is Abdiel, I was heading to the Black Arts store down the street. Would you like to join me" Lorelai didn't feel so sure about it but as long as she would get away from Eliza she agreed and went

*hope you guys like the chapter , tell me if I need to change anything or if my transitions are bad!! I'm here for the feedback*

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