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I woke up to banging on my dorm door. I look over to my roommate Lacey's bed to see that she had already left. Groaning I got out of bed an opened the door to find my boyfriend Damien on the other side. He kissed me quickly before pressing further into the room.

"So since this is our last week of school I would like to take you on one last date as freshmen. I think it is a pretty momentous occasion. Oh I also need you to make sure two weeks from now Saturday you aren't working, I will text you the exact day, I was hoping to make it a surprise but Lacey said she was pretty sure you had to work." Damien made hand gestures as he spoke with his eyes wide making him look younger than his eighteen almost nineteen year old self, obviously excited about what he had planned.

"Baby we need to talk."

"Are you okay? You have been super tired lately and stressing over your final grades."

"Damien, I am late."


"My period is late."

"Right. It was last month too but you said it was because of your stress level and it was nothing to worry about."

"Stress doesn't make your boobs hurt and usually kills your sex drive."

"Well you have been all over me lately so that's not it." His eyes widen in realization and he froze for a second before taking a deep breath. 

"Okay, do you know for sure?"

"No, I figured this was something we could do together." 

"Do you have a test?" He sat down on Lacey's bed and watched me carfully making my jaw drop.

"How can you be so calm about this? How are you not freaking out?"

"Because right now you need someone who you can lean on. Em I have know you since I was two years old, situations like this make you freak out. I waited five years to be with you, I am not losing you over a false alarm."

"What if it isn't just a false alarm Damien? What if this is the real deal? This isn't just something you just wing Damien."

"Emma, most of parenting is winging it. You have always been very maternal and you will make an amazing mother." My eyes filled with tears as I looked around my room trying to figure out what was going to happen next. 

"I'm terrified Damien." He moved over to my bed and pulled me into him.

"I think everyone is scared when they find out. It will all work out, we have people in our corner. But before we get to far ahead of ourselves we need to confirm it."

"Will you go buy a test for me?" He kissed the side of my head.

"Of course, is there a specific one I should get?" He stood there patting his pockets before he pulled his wallet out and smiled at me. 

"I want one of those ones that say pregnant right on it. I don't want to be sitting here wondering if there is a line or not."

"Got it, sit tight and I will be right back in twenty minutes tops with one of those teas Lacey got you hooked on." He came over to kiss me and looked me dead in the eye. "Everything will work out, it will all be okay."

"Okay, drive safe please. I love you." Damien blew me a kiss and walked out the door leaving me to obsess over my own thoughts.

Were we financially ready for a child? Would we be good parents? My brother would kill Damien but how would everyone else react? Would it be a boy or a girl? Would Lacey and Zack still want to move in together if there was a baby in the mix? I leaned against my pillows and did some research about pregnancy and local OBGYN's in the area. I put my phone down when Damien knocked on the door.

"Here is your earl grey. Do you know how expensive these tests are? Twenty bucks for two of them! Like there is a possibility I am about to start supporting my child and I have to pay this much. I also went to the dollar store and bought like twenty more tests just because I know you are going to really want to confirm it." He threw the bag on the bed and some of the tests fell out. I grabbed the blue one since it was the expensive one. 

I read the directions four times just so I could make sure I didn't do anything wrong, but pee on a stick how hard could it be right? 


I washed my hands once I was done and put the pregnancy test flat on the counter like the instructions say to do. I shuffle out of the bathroom to find Damien on my bed with his head in his hands.


"It says to wait 4-5 minutes for the results."

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I am going to throw up." Before Damien could answer my phone went off on my nightstand.

Lacey-Loo: Zack and I want some alone time our room or his?

Emma: His please, Damien is already here. Use protection!!

Lacey-Loo: Alright momma bear.

"Your stuck here  for a while. Lacey and Zack want some alone time."

"Good, we have time to figure this out."

"Damien, I know I am freaking out but I do want to keep this baby, I don't think I cold do anything else, not that I would want to but we have to figure all of this out."

"I promise you one hundred and ten percent that we will. We have both been saving since we started our jobs and are doing pretty well. We will get everything sorted out." I look down at the time and realize we have waited long enough. I walk into the bathroom and look down at the test. 

"Well? I am getting kind of impatient here." Covering my mouth I grab the test and show it to him.

"Pregnant, three plus? Three plus what?"

"Weeks. Holy shit, I'm pregnant." Damien pulled me onto his lap and held me close. He kissed my cheek and put a hand on my stomach.

"It's okay. We can do this, we have got this Em." The tears from earlier came back.

"My parents are going to disown me."

"Emma I am sure it will work itself out, we've got this." I look up at Damien, he looked so sure about what he was saying it was hard not to believe him. In all the years I have known him not once has he never given me a reason not to believe him, so why should I start now?

When I was younger and something went wrong mt mom always used to say 'Everything happens for a reason, you might not know that reason now but you have to pick yourself up and fight through it.' It was for smaller things at the time but right now it fit pretty well. I took a deep breath and looked at Damien.

"Alright, Lets do this?"

"Lets do this."


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