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**** Ten Days Later****

"I'm freaking out a little bit." I clutched Damien's hand in mine as we sat in the hospital waiting room. I looked at the little ocean themed corner for kids across from us with all these little toys and chairs.

"I hate to break it to you but in like ten days you have taken close to twenty test and only one came back negative. I think it is safe to say we know what is going to be said once we are in there."

"But this makes it very, very real." Damien kissed the side of my head and leaned against me.

"It has been real and whatever happens we will be okay." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath pushing my black framed glasses further onto my face as I tried to calm myself down 

We sat there for another twenty minutes before my name got called. We sat down on one of the beds and I explained what was going on and the nurse sent me to the bathroom with a cup to confirm. The doctor came back surprisingly fast with a clip board in hand.

"Alright Miss Kingsley. I know the nurse already sent you for a urine test but I would like you to tell me what is going on."

"I have been super tired lately and I missed my period two months in a row. Ten days ago I took a test and it came back positive."

"Not to mention the twenty others we have taken since." The doctor nodded and wrote everything down.

"Why did it take you two missed periods to take a test?"

"We just did our final exams for this year so I just thought it was stress related."

"Right, well you are indeed pregnant, however I think you are further along than you realize."

"What do you mean?" I grabbed Damien's hand again trying to keep myself from passing out.

"Your HCG level, what we use to determine pregnancy is very high, my guess would be you are 10 or 11 weeks along. But it is hard to determine without an ultrasound."

"The test only said 3 plus."

"Because that is the highest they can read."

"Um. Okay."

"Where do we go from here?"

"Here are some pages in pregnancy, in there are a list of local OBGYN's as well as pediatricians. When you book your appointment make sure to mention how far along you think you are to try and get an ultrasound booked. Any questions?"

"No I think that is all thank you." We signed a couple pages and walked out. We drove to the mall parking lot and sat in silence for a while.

"So 10-11 weeks huh?"

"I should have known. Two missed periods."

"Well, it doesn't really change what we said before, it is still our baby."

"Yeah I know, I just wish I had more time to prepare."

"It is just another curve ball, we are just going to have to adjust the way we swing."

"Alright. Lacey and Aubrey are almost out of there final exam so lets go meet with everyone.


It was nice to see all of my friends care free even thought it was the last thing I was feeling.

"That's my girl! I am so proud of you." Zack was smiling at Lacey, both of them looking like they were on top of the world. Damien smirked at them just as my phone buzzed in my lap.

Unknown Number: Hi there! I just wanted to confirm you were still coming to look at the three bedroom apartment today. 

Damien came over to kiss me throwing me of. I bolted up and walked away from the friend group. How could I forget to ask Lacey and Zack about switching apartments? I texted the land lord back agreeing that we were still good to come and take a look, behind me I heard Damien calling out for me so as soon as I got into the building I turned around and waited for him.

The Unexpected.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora