I am not weak

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Jughead's Pov

It's been about a week since my accident. I'm still a little bruised around my ribs, but that is about all. Nothing has really been going on.

Betts is getting stronger everyday and all the serpents have taken her in. they absolutely adore her. Toni took her shopping again. There is more black in her wardrobe now. She still has the pink, just with more black. She has also taken over the editor job at the Red and Black. She is a really good writer, maybe even better than me. I, however, am not going to tell her that.

I walk into the living room. She's sitting on the couch. "Are you ready to go to Pop's?" I asked her.

"Yeah" she said as she got up and got her jacket. I take her hand and we walk outside to my bike.

The drive to Pop's is only 10 minutes. It seems like forever because I am so hungry. Once we get there we go in and find a booth to sit in.

"So, I want to ask you something." she said. She's looking a little nervous.

"What's up Betts." I say as she started to blush,

"What are we?" she asked.

"Well, I assumed you were my girl, even though we never made it official." I said. I'm so happy that we are talking about this now. I didn't want to bring it up to her and scare her. I've been waiting for her to bring it to me.

She laughed. "Yeah, I thought you were my boyfriend. I just wanted to make sure." She said,

I grabbed her hands. "Betty cooper you are the light to my darkness." I say as I bring my lips down to hers. She giggles.

I heard the bell on the door go off and I automatically looked up and saw Toni and Cheryl walk in, then walked over to us and sat down.

"Hey guys" Toni said sliding into the booth.

Cheryl follows."Hey jug, cousin Betty," she said.

"What's up?" I asked as the waitress brought our food.

"Nothing much, just out and about, got hungry and decided to get some food." Toni said.

I see Cheryl smirking at me. She is definitely up to something. I arched my brow at her. "May I help you." I grinned.

Cheryl started to laugh. "Why, yes you can, I'm in the mood for chaos." she said.

I laughed. "You're always in the mood." I say.

"I know. It's in my blood." she shrugged. "How about we go out tonight? There's this new bar on the west side that just opened up." She said.

I look at Betts who nods, she seems okay with going out. Toni will go anywhere Cheryl goes. I take another bite of my food. Trying to draw out my answer. Cheryl wait's patiently. "Okay, sure we can go see what its about." I told her. She smirked.

Toni and Cheryl ordered some food and it came quickly to the table. While we finished eating I heard some noise. I look up to see Veronica yelling at her boyfriend, Reggie Mantle. We watch it like it's a daytime soap opera.

"You cheating bastard. How could you? Fuck you." she's yelled. She then threw her plate of food at him.

"Baby?" Reggie said.

"Don't baby, me you ass" she screamed.

It's quite a show.

"Come on V, it didn't mean anything, I swear." he said as he pleaded with her.

"Just like last time. I should call my daddy." She said as the insults flew back and forth.

Toni looks at us. "Man, this is riveting, I can't breathe." she said laughing.

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