I hate you

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Jughead's POV

It's been a few weeks since I told Betts I loved her, and it's been good. She hasn't cut herself since that night, also she has woken me up every time she has a dream. We talk through it and she goes back to sleep. Every time I hear about her past. I get so angry. Angry at everyone that was supposed to protect her and let her down. I want to kill that murderous bastard.

Every time I look at her I know I will never let her down. She deserves the world.

Toni enrolled her in a self defense class. She wants her to be able to defend herself. I tell her she already knows how to, I honestly think she did it more for her mentally.

It's been quiet on the ghoulie front. I believe that that they are planning something, and I do think it has to do with betts. I'm also planning something and the only ones that know about are Sweets, Fangs, Toni and Betts. The ghoulies think she is spying on us for them. She feeds them false information. It was her idea. It took me awhile to agree to this but according to her she needs to earn her keep.  Although we do already  have someone on the inside, Shirly Bob. But back to the plan. We were going to make it look like Betts and I fought and then broke up. She is going to go back to Penny's. She will stay there for a few weeks before she comes back with all types of information. Shirly Bob will keep an eye on her, I hope that is enough.

I'm waiting at the door for Betts to come out of the bedroom. The door opens and she walks out smiling.

"What?" I laughed

"I love you." She said, still smiling

"I love you too." I say. "I need you to call me if anything goes wrong. I will come and get you, no questions asked." I say.

"I got this juggie, and I promise I will." she said.

I smirked

"What?" she asked.

"How about when all of this is over we go away for the weekend." I say. She started to grin "Just the two of us." I add.

She jumped in my arms and kissed me. I pulled back."So, I take that as a yes." I say

She laughed. "Yes." she said as she kissed me again. "I will go anywhere with you." she adds.

"One thing before we do this." I say to her

"What's that?" she asked

"When either of us say, I hate you it means I love you." I say to her, She nods.

A little while later, I sat watching her. She's everything I didn't know I needed. "You know you don't have to do this." I said to her,

"I know juggie, but we need info and this is the only way it will happen."  She said,

I start to laugh and she watches me curiously. "We?" I say as I'm still laughing. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Yes, we" she said as she kissed me. God, I love her and she kisses good. I could do this all day. "I'm going to miss this." she adds.

I just nod in agreement. I don't think I can do this. I know we have only been together for a short time but it feels like forever to me.

"Remember that anything I say I don't mean." I say to her as I kiss her.

"I know, Juggie and it's the same." she kissed back.

"You. Are. An. Amazing. Women." I say as I continue to kiss her. "You amaze me with your strength everyday," I add. I'm really not sure if I can go through with this.

After a few more minutes of trying to eat each other's faces off. We head to Pops. Time for the show.

A little later I'm sitting at Pops. Toni and Fangs just showed up. Kai and his group show up a little later.

I see Kai watching us. "Show time" I say.

Betts starts to talk. "Are you even listening to me?" She yelled. I pretend to ignore her. "Jug, Hello. Really?" she adds. I turn and look at her. I still haven't said anything. "You always do this, I get so tired of you thinking the damn world revolves around you." she said. This is so hard. I can see the pain in her eyes every time she talks. "Say something." she screams. The whole diner is watching us now. " I Swear to god, Jug, I wish I had never met you." she says as she gets up and walks over to Kai. He's laughing at this exchange. It looks like he's buying it. She says something to him and they leave. "I hate you" she yelled.

I sighed.

"I know Jones, it will be fine." Toni said.

"I know it was fake, but damn it still hurt." I say frowning.

I sit there as i eat my food. I have to look angry or it will look suspicious. Two weeks, It's only two weeks.

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