Chapter 1

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A new place. Far away from my hometown.

A fresh start is what I needed. After all those years of running and hiding, stops today. I mean it's been 5 years already.

I'm sure he already stopped looking for me, right?


I moved in to my new dorm today where I immediately went to my room that screams warmth and comfort for my arrival. I cant wait to sleep on my beautiful bed.

Unfortunately, I'm not alone. I have a roommate that of course I will meet soon en-

The front door suddenly opened and I'm greeted with a loud voice.

"Anyone here?," The person said. Waiting for a few moments to check if someone is home, but as I was about to speak, he then shouted 'yey' and starts dancing around.


"I got here first!" He happily said then went to his room to unpack all his stuff.

Who am I living with? Such a weirdo. I tipped toe around my room hoping he wouldn't notice me being secretive.

trust me,

I don't know why either.

As I was opening my door, we both stared at each others eyes while he's half naked and both screamed like a girl. Well I am suppose to!

His face got red all of the sudden and I quickly closed my door again to give me a few seconds to relax. I didn't expect that at all! I thought he was in his room! Darn it.

"Um.. sorry. I thought I was the first one here." He said feeling nervous.

" Yeah, no. I thought you were unpacking your stuff!" I said embarrassed. " And can you wear a tshirt please?!"

He immediately went to his room to change a new pair of tshirt. " Well I got hungry so I went back to check some food. My bad." He quickly said. " You can come out now."

Slow breaths Jess. It's gonne be fine.

I slowly opened my bedroom door and he's sitting in the living room while texting someone. I made a small sound that made him look up.

"Hey, sorry about that. It wasn't a nice introduction of mine." He smiled and started to walk towards me. " My name is Sean. Yours?" He held out a hand waiting for me to shake.

What? Why so formal? Lost for words, I started to stutter.

" I-its fine, my name is J-jess." Sht. What is wrong with me? Getting nervous around him! Is it because he's gorgeous that made me remember our encounter earlier? I saw his abs! They were looking so good.. it was pulling me closer. No! No! Stop. But seriously, I wonder what kind of sports he plays tho..

I shaked his hand awkwardly and immediately let go. He looked amused of my behaviour and started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked feeling annoyed.

" hahah it's just I haven't met someone so awkward with hand shakes before. " He said still laughing.

Hah. Okay. That made me even more insecure.

A few moments later he stopped and gained his composure and smiled. " I hope we'll have a fun years living together, Jess" There it is again. The smile that blew me away. Okay I know we just met but goddamn he's an angel sent from heaven.

Of course it's only between me, myself, and I.

"Yeah same goes for you, Sean." I smiled back.

After that, we started talking and getting to know each other while unpacking our stuff. Sean is such a cheerful person that I've rarely meet in my entire life. Back home, I don't really have a what you call a 'perfect or happy family'. My parents would always fight and at school people would bully me nonstop. But luckily, I have a friend named Sophie. We became friends throughout high school. Until now in college we still kept in touch with each other.

Surprisingly, we are on the same age and grade. Wow I couldn't asked for more. Im joking! I don't wanna think about boys just yet. My heart is not ready for more heartbreaks and other stuff that comes along with it. I still haven't gotten over that incident.. No Jess I told myself to move forward without looking back of my past.

"Wanna go out to eat?" Sean said while putting the cup and plates away. Minutes later I still haven't replied to him.

" Jess?" He started to shake me slowly. But then gradually it goes faster.

Mhm? What is happening. Why is the world shaking so much?


My head hurts. I finally woke up from my small nap that I didn't even realise.

" Dang it Sean! Why'd you have to shake me so hard?" I said while feeling sleepy. I rubbed my eyes to see my surroundings clearly.

" oops my bad. I thought you were dead. " he laughs lightly while getting his keys and jacket. Damn i swear this bo-


Sean stopped at his track slowly turned around to find my eyes widen and face getting red from my growling stomach.

" Somebody's hungry aye?" He started laughing even more now. Whats with him?! And what's with my stomach's timing? Ugh. I've made myself a fool for just today!

" Come on, its my treat today."

" Oh it better be yours." I said jokingly heading out first before he can see my completely red face of embarrassment.

What a nice way to start the year.


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