Chapter 6

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They ran endlessly, not stopping to think, breathe, or fight back. Blood pulsed in Ceren's head as he ran, confusion and fear filling his body. It wasn't exactly that he was afraid of the Endlings, but rather he was afraid of everything he didn't understand, which was everything. The man, the world, Charla...he just couldn't stand it. Finally, they ducked into another clearing, panting and sweaty. "What the hell is wrong with you two?" the man growled at them. "Wrong with us ?" Ceren retorted. "We haven't done anything!". "Look" the man replied. "Endlings, like most creatures, prey on humans. You need to at least know what the hell you're doing to get out of this forest alive". "We will be okay though, right?" Charla timidly asked. "That's your choice. Are you willing to do anything for your life?" he said. "Yes" they both replied, determination raging in their eyes. "Damn kids...okay, well let's just gauge your aura first. The Endlings are beginning to retreat from the sun, but there's still much more to face until we leave here".

"Focus". he said. "You-" he was cut off by Cer. "Before we go any further, we need to know your name." he groaned. "Just call me Locus, that's all you need to know" Locus replied. Cer still had many questions, but surmised that it was pointless to ask them now. "As I was saying, you need to focus on your presence and the energy around you. It's hard to detect but not impossible. Go." Both children fell silent and attempted to sense some kind of sensation. After a minute however, nothing seemed to have changed. "You kids are super dense huh..." he whispered."What does that mean?" Ceren replied. "Sharp senses...good." Locus scoffed. "Well, I didn't want to have to do this, but..." Charla suddenly jumped. "Don't!" Ceren thought he heard his sister say that but everything was suddenly a blur of colours and a crackling noise like static. "Wha...Locus y-you bastard..." he faintly said as he lost consciousness.

"AHHH" Cer screamed as he jolted up. He was no longer in the forest but on a endless, mirror plane that had no conceivable edges or features. He was aware of a heavy feeling in his mind. "We meet again boy". Dread flooded Ceren all at once, overloading him. "Y-you!" he yelped. "No...this isn't possible, I left you back there, you're not here, you're not..." he trailed off. The figure in front of him was not the hideous creature from his house, but a boy identical to him, other than a scar on his right eye. "I am Seroth." It replied. "But wow, Ceren, are you interesting...even though my absorption was interrupted, I still somehow remain in your mind. And just look how human my form is! Truly intriguing!" the voice still felt off.  "What are you doing with me" Cer replied. "Don't blame me! Your aura was locked away in a segment of your mind, and then someone smashed open the padlock". Seroth casually mused. "Locus..." Cer murmured. "Anyways, now that I'm here, I'd rather have fun than be hidden away again" Seroth said. "What does that mean?" Cer tried to stride toward it but he began to slowly sink into the glass, which appeared to be melting. "Damn you!" Ceren screamed. "You can't just posses me! I have to protect Charla!". "Well, what else are you going to do? Are you even sure you can do it alone?" Seroth jeered. "I think...I know it!" Ceren cried back. "Then prove it. Prove that your resolve is strong enough, child." Seroth's despicable face was the last thing Ceren saw as he tumbled into the black void.

Outside, the entire labyrinth-like forest swelled with the repugnant aura of a demon.  

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