Chapter 8

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Charla ran nonstop, her entire mind entirely focused on finding her brother. She still didn't understand so much...everything that had happened back at the house, now this...was it related to their auras? Why was hers so different than Cers? It made no sense! Finally she burst back into the clearing they were last conscious in. By this point, Charla's head felt heavy, her whole body weighed down by this suffocating force that tormented every fibre in her body, telling her to retreat. But it wouldn't happen. A path of destruction led forward deeper into the forest. "Cer!" she called out. "Can you hear me!? Where are you?" her voice grew hoarse. "Ch-Charla...I'm here..." a whisper floated past. "Brother? Where are you?" she questioned, frantically confused. "Look...up...." it said, even fainter this time. "Take down...that s-stupid vulture..." Charla looked up and sure enough, a huge, spiny, threatening Vulture was circling maliciously above her. It didn't match the forest, nor did it show any signs of being natural, the evil emanating from it unlike she's ever sensed before. Charla braced herself, unsure of her next move. How was she supposed to get it down? Suddenly, it unleashed a bloodcurdling scream and rapidly began barreling towards the girl. "Give my brother back!" she shouted dauntlessly and charged into it, logical thought overridden by her fear of losing one of the only people she truly loved. Claws dug into vulnerable flesh, and Charla's unearned determination morphed into screams of pain. The repugnant scavenger swooped up jauntily, Charla thrashing helplessly to escape its vice-like grip.

"What in the hell?" Locus repeated multiple times, his mental thoughts shattered by the uncanny being in front of him. "Y-you can't be resurrected, I mean, that's not possible." he snapped in vain as if to intimidate the faceless one. "CALM DOWN. ALL WE NEED TO DO NOW IS RELAX, AND PERFORM OUR ANCIENT RITUAL" they said almost casually, as if the word "ritual" didn't send icy chills down Locus' spine. "I'm not gonna participate in one of your damn rituals, so get away or I'll attack!" Locus pulled out his gun and aimed it squarely at the thing's head. A bang was heard and Locus instantly felt himself being flung out the building by a mysterious force. "Just tell me what the hell you are, and what you want from me! I'm not going to humour you" he said, a deep, threatening tone entering his voice. He still had his duty to complete after all. "I'M UNSURE WHY YOU'RE SO CONFUSED. AN AURA BROUGHT US BACK TO LIFE IN THESE FORMS. IT WAS YOU WASN'T IT? WHO FREED US AFTER ALL THIS TIME? Gradually, other shadowy figures emerged from the derelict buildings, almost timid and frightened. Locus' annoyed face slowly softened. "Freed? You were trapped?" he questioned. The anonymous speaking figure seemed to shrink back suddenly, as if the word was taboo. " We were a happy, prosperous village once. Obviously, it was challenging to survive here in this murderous forest, but we developed customs and systems to ensure our safety...until-"The being cut themselves off. "Tell me." Locus replied calmly. "I know what it feels like. I can't promise I'll participate in some savage ritual, but I can lend you my ears". Some of the other shadows looked young, innocent, undeserving of any pain. A heavy, depressive feeling emerged from within Locus' heart, all too familiar.

Excruciating pain, a heartbeat thundering rapidly, yells of confusion. Charla continued to struggle against the creature, which, apparently, somehow involved her brother. The monstrosity began to rise up and up, the forest shrinking into pinheads behind her. "Cer...I'm sorry...I know that it's got to be hard for you, with everything you don't understand, that I don't understand...but let me be here for-" she was cut off by another screech of the shape, making her ears blare and ring. "It's gonna drop me...I'm gonna fall!" Charla then realised, thinking rapidly. "I have to unleash that aura from before" she thought. "What...what is the key?" In spite of the chaos, Charla slowed her breathing, emptied her headspace. 

You need me don't you? Rely on me, Charlamane. Together...we are light.

It emerged once again. The blindingly marvellous light, engulfing everything. Once again, Charla's left pupil had morphed into a mysterious symbol, holy in nature. The girl assaulted the vulture and effortlessly released herself from its crushing grip. Instead of falling endlessly, she seemed to float, the air around her fizzling and crackling with immense aura. She spoke, but it wasn't Charla. "Behold. I am Alariel, a Divinar. Return to nothing, as you deserve, foul demon". Then, it expelled another burst.

"Well I never" Seroth croaked angrily. "Divinar...why are you ruining my fun?"

"Charla!" Cer cried, bursting out from the carcass of the vulture, newly obliterated by the burst of light. Finally, siblings held each other tightly as they plummeted back down to the Eternal Forest.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2020 ⏰

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