seniors 2015 graduation

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(K) common M we cant miss our seniors graduation

(M) I'm coming

(Ma) its not like were gonna miss this one babe it's an important day

(K) babe?

(M) oh yeah I forgot to mention may is my girlfriend

(K) nice, but we gotta hurry

(M) oak, Preapailin common

(O) coming

(T) we wont miss any thing dont worry

(K) you guys got the list of each of our seniors who are graduating

(M) yeah I got it, I'll read it over

Arthit Rojnapat

(K) ok let's get to the auditorium

(P) this is gonna be great

(M) yeah I cant believe we get to take their places someday


(Pr) ok everyone were gathered for all of our engineering academy graduation as they excel and show everyone how much this academy will excel and continue so much of their work and now I present our 2015 graduates

Arthit Rojnapat who is the leader of the seniors as he shows everyone this academy is worth it and we have someone to present at the end of this

Bright as he helped by his juniors side and continues to help his academy

Prem chooses his juniors to help staying by everyone's side through all of their work

Tutah who will continue after all of his engineering and be a great man joining the army showing the world we fight to protect everyone

(P) may I please have Kongpob Suthiluck, M, oak and tew up to the stage

(K) what the?

(M) let's go kong *walks over*

(K) coming

*walk to stage*

(P) these are our next men who will be our engineers of 2016 but each of these students have been tough by each of the seniors on this stage, kongpob has excelled with his senior arthit and that's why kongpob will be the next leader of the future engineers


(K) *hugs arthit*

(A) thank you for being here kong I'm so glad you all came to this

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(A) thank you for being here kong I'm so glad you all came to this

(K) anything for my love

(A) yeah I cant wait for your graduation

(K) hey arthit stand here

(A) ok

(K) now pose

(A) *poses*

(K) *takes picture on phone* now time for a loving post


Today is the best day of 2015, my amazing boyfriend jest graduated with all of our engineer senior's have a great year everyone

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Today is the best day of 2015, my amazing boyfriend jest graduated with all of our engineer senior's have a great year everyone


As we all say goodbye and wish our juniors great luck as they take our places as the next 2016 seniors of engineering we hope for the best to all of them as us seniors say goodbye to everyone see you around

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As we all say goodbye and wish our juniors great luck as they take our places as the next 2016 seniors of engineering we hope for the best to all of them as us seniors say goodbye to everyone see you around

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