Chapter 10

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A/N - Welcome to "Victory of the Daleks". This is actually one of my least favorite episodes, but I made it through. I'm going to have fun bringing this episode back later. MUCH later.

The Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS to find several men pointing guns at him.

They stepped aside and Winston Churchill stepped forward.

Amy and Elise hesitantly stepped out of the TARDIS.

"Amy, Elise? Winston Churchill", the Doctor introduced. Elise hid behind the Doctor's legs and grabbed onto one of his hands.

"Doctor. Is it you?" Churchill asked.

"Oh, Winston, my old friend".

Churchill held out his hand.

The Doctor laughed. "Ah, every time".

"What's he after?" Amy asked.

"TARDIS, of course", the Doctor told her.

"Think of what I could achieve with your remarkable machine, Doctor. The lives that could be saved", Churchill said.

"Ah, doesn't work like that".

"Must I take it by force?"

"I'd like to see you try".

"At ease".

The soldiers lowered their guns.

"You rang?" the Doctor asked. He picked Elise up and set her on his shoulders. He was working on a better way to carry her, but this would have to do for now.

They followed Churchill as he explained why they were there.

"So you've changed your face again", Churchill said, "And you've got a little one now".

"Um, yeah. Had a bit of work done", the Doctor told him.

"Got it, got it, got it. Cabinet War Rooms, right?" Amy asked.

"Yep. Top secret heart of the War Office, right under London".

"You're late, by the way", Churchill told the Doctor.

A woman came to up them and handed Churchill a clipboard. Churchill handed his walking stick to the Doctor.

"Requisitions, sir", she said.


"Late?" the Doctor asked.

"I rang you a month ago".

"Really? Sorry, sorry. It's a Type Forty TARDIS, it's...I'm just running her in".

Type Forty TARDIS? Is that why she made a wheezing sound while flying?

"Something the matter, Breen?" Churchill asked the woman, "You look a little down in the dumps".

"No, sir. Fine, sir", Breen told him.

"Action this day, Breen. Action this day".

"Yes, sir".

A man walked up as Breen walked away. "Excuse me, sir. Got another formation coming in, Prime Minister. Stukas, by the look of them".

"We shall go up top then, Group Captain. We'll give them what for. Coming, Doctor?" Churchill asked.


He took his walking stick back. "I have something to show you".

The four of them got into an elevator and it started rising.

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