Oh Boy Here We Go

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//sorry if the pics a repeat. Can't do any good ones anymore I know there's a lot but idk anymore also in such a short time, we reached over 2k reads I'm so shocked I'm so grateful guys thank you so much I am also so sorry for the late delay in the writing I've had a few bad weeks that went into a few bad months but yea I'm getting better now that I'm alone now but yea wish me any and all luck

soft NSFW warning//

Amanda's POV

I had seen no harm in sleeping next to "Y/N' so I stayed. She had curled up into my chest and had fallen asleep after some strange babblings... Boy this was gonna be hard to explain later...

Your POV

My head hurt bad. It was pounding in my skull. It felt like I had suffered a huge hit to the head and was just coming out of a coma.
I stretched as I woke up. Something I normally did though this time...I felt someone in the bed with me...

I jumped up scared as to what was there. My heart rate only picked up even more when I saw Amanda sitting there with a faint smile on her face.
I blushed deeply and looked away

"Look who's awake...and only 5hours past our wake up time-" she teases me.

I groan at her not wanting to look at her just yet
"I-im sorry I took over the bed-" I began when she suddenly cut me off.

"No it's fine I don't mind. You're cute when your drunk, by the way, ~" she purred out sitting up to see me better.

I blushed even harder at this
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to get that Drunk!"
I honestly didn't remember what had actually happened. I was so confused as to what she was talking about.

Amanda just smiled
"Naturally you don't remember. It is fine..." She seemed almost sad in how she said it...

I looked perplexed at this tone in her voice. She quickly shook her head as I was about to ask what was wrong.

"I know you got a massive hangover...why don't we give you something to chase that away?"
She offered.
I quickly nodded. I never got this drunk before. It was so off for me to drink at all when I wasn't at a work function.

Amanda soon stood and began to walk to the kitchen. I hesitated not sure if I should but inevitably followed her down to the kitchen.

She already had a large glass of orange juice and some Advil on the counter for me. I smiled softly taking them quickly.

Amanda being Amanda was so talented she was already making something to eat.

"I don't deserve you, know that?"
I smile as I sit down at the counter.

Amanda chuckled and nodded.
"I know~"

I gasped in mock hurt and crossed my arms I'm a dramatic fashion.
She just turned and winked at me before turning back to finish her pancake batter she was whipping up

I smiled at the wink. My heart beating quickly at the wink.
I turned away to hide my blush that formed on my cheeks but I could tell she saw.

We sat in comfortable silence for the while it took her to make the pancakes.


Amanda's POV

My mind was racing with the thought of what had happened last night.

Geeze was all I could say. How had I not noticed before!!?

I mean looking back on how we act together I can easily see how she could like me. And I could easily see that I liked her...

Akrcos-Amanda x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now