Saying GoodBye

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//okay, guys I'm writing from a computer that isn't mine so its kinda hard to get pics on it but yea ill be adding more pictures on Sunday. after the next 3 chapters hopefully it'll be back in a twice-weekly update schedule. I just want to say how sorry I am for the long-ass delay in the chapters coming through but thank you to those of you who were patient and thank you for those who kept asking me for more chapters when I had lost motivation. thank you so much for your patience so without further due I hand to you the longest chapter I've ever written on this warned it will have angst all along the chapter. it goes into  "Y/N" background just a bit and goes into a mildly neglectful home as a child also a drug and runaway warning. it doesn't go too much into it but just thought you should know. I will like I said in my announcements that it will not stay fluffy for long it will have a lot of fluff mixed into it but yea it will touch on some tough subjects but there will be a warning on top of every chapter. never had to do this before but yea so if I forget just tell me and ill add it thanks Also sorry for the long A/N but yea enjoy!!!//

Your POV

Two weeks, that was all we had before I had to go back to Georgia before I didn't know if I could handle the distance as I had before.  the entire time id been in Florida it had been a blast and I didn't want to sleep most nights cuz then I wouldn't be able to talk to Amanda or Liz but then again I had to sleep. working night shifts at the security office was kinda a drag on my sleep schedule. even on my days off, I didn't sleep much during the night for fear that when I did go back to work id end up falling asleep on patrol like I had that 1st night working there. 

the building was huge and it kinda scared me to think that someone wanted to come into the building when they weren't supposed to. I mean come on the building was clearly haunted to the max. I'd seen countless things happen and go missing at the worst times. one night I felt a burning feeling on my arms and when I went to check back at the security window all I saw was that the hairs on my upper arms where I felt the burning was burned off. it baffled me as to why anyone would want to come into that building at night when they didn't have to. working there id seen so many creepy things and most times it was me who had to throw out the teenagers who came in looking for a thrill. 

sleep was a beautifully precious thing and it was God's Gift to humanity and for anyone who can't get it I feel absolutely sorry for them. sleep wasn't something I got often. I normally got maybe 3 days off and sometimes its harder for me to relax when I worked longer weeks. in preparation for the 2 weeks off from work, I was working nonstop I only got 1 day off a week and the only reason they did that was for the simple fact that the law forbids that anyone is overworked past 80 hours a week. 

it baffled me as to how doctors and nurses can work for such long shifts and only get about 3 hours of sleep or less and it still baffled me as to how even threw all this Amanda is still studying for her upcoming tests that happen the day after I leave. it was just a miracle that I had been able to align up our work schedules as I had. Liz is  GOD when it came to this type of thing. she was always well organized and prepared. I don't know how Amanda and Liz ever became this close and I don't mean that in a bad way all I mean is that the only thing Amanda is organized and prepared for is school and sometimes cosplay. 

God do I love that girl but Jesus doesn't know how the bloody hell she keeps her head straight sometimes. More often than not in the past 2 weeks that I had been there, I had to be finding the things that Amanda misplaced I mean it was normal the first 3 times it happened but then the more I was there the more I started to notice that Amanda kept misplacing a lot of her things

cosplay things and may other items, it was actually pretty funny to see her running around looking for something that was right there beside her the whole time.  Amanda Costigan was a very Unorganized person.  she was also very clumsy at times as well. I was making dinner one night while Liz went live and Amanda was in the shower, The next thing I hear besides Liz answering questions was a loud thud then  Amanda yelling out in shock. Liz dies on live and everyone started to ask if Amanda had fallen in the shower. my laughter could be heard throughout the whole house as I walked over and knocked on the door.

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