Chapter 30

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-Lukes pov-

Sophia hasn't texted in over an hour so in assuming she's probably asleep.

I can't wait for her to finally come back to me tomorrow.

It's only been a week since she left but I'm so fucking whipped I can't stand to be without her.

I can't get the picture of her perfect smile out of my head and its killing me.

At least she's coming back home tomorrow.

She texted me that she was at a bar and I was surprised. I hope that Andrew guy is protecting her for me.

Ok so I need to stop thinking about her and get some sleep.

-next day-

I wake up to my phone ringing. I slightly open my eyes and grab my phone from the night stand.

I see that it's my mum.


"Luke!" she exclaims

I hear cries in the background

"Mum you alright" I ask

"Honey, it's Sophia" she says and my heart starts racing

"What! what's wrong!" I ask, my voice raising . If something was wrong with her shouldn't she have called me herself.

"Ok I need you calm down" she says and I sit up in my bed, what is going on.

"Mum what's wrong!" I yell and the cries get louder.

"S-Sophia is in the hospital" she stutters

"What why!" I exclaim, my heart is racing faster and faster

"Luke please calm down" she says


"S-she was in a car accident" she says and my heart drops

"She's in very bad condition Luke" she adds and my mind is still trying to process all this.

"Luke?" she calls out but I don't answer instead I hang up and quickly get ready.

We're so far apart and I know you have to like preorder plane tickets but I need to go.

I find some last minute tickets and I get one.

This has to be a joke.

This can't be happening.

Tears stream down my face and I begin to destroy stuff.

The noise wakes up Calum and he rushes in the room.

"What the hell is going on" he asks but I ignore him.

"Whoa Luke what's wrong" he asks "s-sophie" I manage to say

"What?" he asks "s-sophie is in the hospital" I whisper

"What happened" he asks "horrible c-car accident" I say "what!" he exclaims probably as shocked as I was.

"I got the earliest tickets to fly over there" I cry and he comes over to comfort me.


For hours on end I would jus be lying here on the bed staring at the ceiling waiting for the hour to finally come, where I could be next to Sophia.

The time finally comes and I hop out of bed.

When I finally get on the plain anxiety takes over me, and I'm having so many panic attacks.

How bad was the accident?

How bad are her injuries?

What seems like a forever flight finally ends and I basically run out and get a cab to the hospital.

When I finally get there I see Sophia's mum and my mum comforting her.

I rush over with the guys and we immediately ask how's she's doing.

"A few broken bones" my mum says
"and she's in comma" she adds and that's when I fall to my knees

No this has to be some fucked up dream, this can't be real.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

Thanks for reading!

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