Isuku midoriya

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I'm sitting in class and taking notes. My hand aches from the training yesterday. We are watching each other battle to take notes on other fighting techniques.
We are now watching koda vs ojiro.
"Ojiro quirk is most affective in close combat. That will be hard for koda who's very passive. He's quirk allows him to keep ojiro away from him but if ojiro manages to get close.."
"Ah Deku? You're mumbling again.." Uraraka says.
"It's kinda creepy."
"Oh I'm sorry Uraraka!"
Iida steps in.
"It's good your taking notes,but it could distract other students."
"AND THE WINNER IS OJIRO!" Present mic declared.
"Next up is Midoriya vs Shoji" Aizawa said in a tired voice.

Deku put down his note book and went down to the training area. The area was really small to force the students to engage in combat.
"1,2,3, GO!" Mic shouted.

Deku looked at shoji who just slammed into him pushing him out of the arena. Deku could hear the crowd cheering and laughing. He didn't really understand what was going on.
"I figured that you had the speed on your side so I decided to suprize you directly." Shoji said giving Midoriya one of his hand to help him up.  "THAT WAS THE FASTEST MATCH IVE EVER SEEN!" Mic shouted
Even Aizawa had a little smile on his face.
Deku laughed with the crowd. He didn't want to seem like a bad loser.

Time skip to lunch
Deku sat down at the table. How could he let shoji just suprize him like that. He need to practice his reflexes. If he's gonna be the nr.1 hero he needs good reflexes. He could hit the gym later..
"Deku, your mumbling again." Uraraka said as kindly as possible. She really started to get tired of it.

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