The Perfect World

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"THE HERO IS HERE!!!!" America yelled enthusiastically, skipping towards his chair.

Canada smiled at his precious brother, ever so happy to see him. "Hey Al. How's the trip a week ago?"

"Totally awesome dude! The fluffy fox was the cutest one though! I swear I didn't touched it coz the owner told us not to but it kept on moving towards me and licked at me all over! Not only that but I accidentally broke the lions' prison and three of them jumped at me, also licking me, purring a cat! You should have seen the look of everyone's faces man!"

Canada laughed, "You're a literal disney princess."

America pouted, "Naawww! I am manly!"

"Manly disney princess." Russia smirked, almost sitting on Canada but managed to see him and sitting next to America instead.

America dramatically gasped, "HECC NAW!!! I'm no princess dude! I'm a hero! H. E. R. O!!! Understand!?"

Canada, Russia and a few other nations laughed playfully.

"We understand, Alfred. We do, trust me." England sipped on his tea, pleasantly sitting between France and Spain.

France wiggled his eyebrows at Hungary who only gave him a wink back before speaking quitely with Japan.

Everyone weren't fighting over anything at all, especially after the world accepted them wholeheartedly without a problem.

It happened six years ago, they all had been anxious and agitated when almost 50 of the personifications were caught online, saving over 450 lives from two burning buildings.

While the governments were incredibly thankful for their help, they were afraid that the personifications might suffer the consequences of showing who they truly were, especially when they kept on dying and reviving after a moment, making all the personifications involved exhausted to the max.

After the nations deemed every humans safe, they all collapsed and were put into coma for two months. Fortunately, all humans did not hesitate to accept them. After the incident, they all celebrate the day when everything seems so peaceful and loving.

(1) It is celebrated by nations competing in a game while the humans can vote whoever they like online. Whenever the event comes, the nations were happy and pleasant. Even the grumpiest nations opened up and smiled, even if it's just a tiny bit.

Germany looked over at everyone twice, looking back and forth at the list of names of the nations. Surprisingly, everyone was present. Germany raised a brow before he quietly laughed.

After that incident, everyday seems perfect. And that's all that matters.

"Ok everyone, let us start the conference." Germany paused, seeing Italy's hand being waved around. Smiling, Germany called, "Yes Italy?"

Italy happily hopped up, "I don't think there's any world problems that is dire right now ve~ So how about we all hang out? After all, the meetings aren't that important anymore. I'm sure the presidents won't mind ve~"

"Oh! Oh! I totally agree dude!!!" America yelled, raising his arm as high as he can.

"Kesesese, I agree too! It is an awesome plan! Still not as awesome as me tho." Prussia said, walking into the meeting and Germany let him. It doesn't really matter anymore whether the Prussian breaks in or not so he just lets him do what he wants. Germany agreed and all of them went outside.

It was like a field trip because they went to so many places in a day such as karaoke, zoo, and even a mall *cough cough Poland cough*.

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