Let's go in

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"Alright! All of you shut the fuck up and listen." Yoongi says, and they all turn to look at him.

"Uh... last time I motherfucking checked, I am older than you. Show some damn respect." Seokjin responds to Yoongi, starting their usual banter.

"Oh shut the hell up." Seokjin gasps but Yoongi continues, "Anyways,  Taehyung, Hoseok, and I will unlock the door. Namjoon and Jin will wait in the car so we can make our quick getaway. Jimin and Jungkook, you guys will go in and get the ice cream."

"Why, with me being the most handsome guy here, the hell do I have to stay in the car?" Jin asks, genuinely confused.

"Because you would just fuck up the plan. That's why I put Namjoon with you. That way, he could probably keep you from doing some stupid shit. Anymore questions?"

Jungkook raised his hand and Yoongi chuckles at the confused look in his face.

"Yes Kook-ah?"

"I was just wondering what you wanted hyung and I to get. Or should  I surprise you guys..." Jungkook trails off in question and everyone coos at him.

"Why don't you get everybody your favorite hm?" Seokjin asks and, once he receives a bunny smile from Jungkook, smiles too.

"Nice, okay. I think we have everything we need." Hoseok beams at everybody and Taehyung has to fight the urge to smile back.

"Oh, Jungkook, I'm going to give you my number. In case you need to  contact me or something." Yoongi adds and the other 3 agree. "But feel free to text me if you just want to talk too, just don't be bogus with the times please. You better not fucking text me at ass o'clock unless it's an emergency."

"Got it." Jungkook smirks, knowing that he will, indeed, text his hyung at unreasonable times.

Jungkook exchanges numbers with him and Hoseok. When he gets to Jimin, he saves him as 'Chimmy' with a smile.

    ~Hoseok has made a group chat~

   ~ Hoseok has added: Yoongi, Jungkook, Jimin, Seokjin, Taehyung, and Namjoon to the chat~

~Hoseok has changed his name to Hobi~

Hobi: hey guys 😁
                                        Yoongi: bye

Jungkook: hi 👋
                                        Jimin: bye

Hobi: why are you guys so mean?? 😔

                                      Taehyung: no

Seokjin: stop bullying my favorite

                                       Jimin: we're not



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2020 ⏰

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