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it's so dark I can't see a thing. “Come here” “oh no not again please no go away no no NO!” terrified I wake up screaming in a cold sweat, my head hurts like hell holding my head in my hands with hot tears streaming down my cheeks. Cry bursts into my room with my medication and a bottle of water “here take it.”
  Cry says with a gentle voice as he hands me four dark blue nearly black gel capsules and the water. “No Cry not today” I refuse sitting up pushing the medication away lightly supporting myself with one arm looking at Cry with puffy red eyes. He sighs softly wiping my eyes of the remaining tears on my cheeks.
   “then please take them with you today and remember if your head hurts to take them no if and's or butts got it?” giving me a stern look he explains when I have to take them with no complaints on my end, the truth is I hate them there disgusting plus taking them five times a day along with so many at a time just to suppress my stupid powers and my stupid transformations.
   I’m starting to think it's not worth it. but I must take them to hide who I am so I can live another day or so I was told before my...before my parents passed away. I just turned ten that day when ...when…” jack” they “Jack!” hut them “JACK!” snapping out of my fearful trance I notice cry shaking my shoulders roughly yelling out my name with worry in his eyes.
  “Now that I have your attention” he chuckles his expression lightening up “you need to hurry up or we will be late for our bus to school.’ he lets my shoulders go before springing up his feet. “Wait for what! “OH NO!” I exclaim jumping off my bed the cold air rushing to surround my warm body sending a small chill up my spine dashing over to my dresser that sits across from my bed.
   Picking up my bandages I start to wrap my neck up in them over the gauze patch I leave on my neck overnight on the left side of my neck to cover my ancient tattoo. “Why haven’t I ever get to see your tattoo? I mean not to be rude but we have known each other for almost over six years now, I'm starting to get very curious and slightly worried about what kind of ancient you could be that you need to hide your identity...is it that you don’t have one yet?"
  Question after question comes out of his mouth as I pick out some clothes closing my dresser before then walking to the bathroom to change out of my pajamas wondering if I should tell him what kind of ancient I am. The question continues to float around my head Am I ready to tell him? Is he ready to know? No no he can't know not just yet at least, I just hope he won't hate me when he finds out. ‘Bang’ ‘bang’ ‘bang’ loud echo of Cry banging on the bathroom door rings throughout the room the sound bouncing off the walls leaving a slight ring in my ears
  “I'm coming I'm coming!” I yell at the door my voice muffled slightly as I slid my oversized hoodie over my head and my chest coving the bandages around my torso.” well move our ass faster the bus is here waiting for us outside!” He yells at me through the door I can hear him run down the stairs with me not too far behind, nearly falling on my face halfway through thanks to my bag.
   Thankfully catching up to Cry before he set a foot out the door “come on hurry up slowpoke” grabbing my arm he pulls me out the door locking it behind him grabbing his suitcase before making a mad dash to me. Running to the bus as fast as we could we make it in time, panting heavily dropping my bag by the bus door crouching down holding my side in pain as my bandages tighten from the extra expansion of my lungs.
   Seeing the bus driver in the corner of my eye he walks over to me placing a gentle hand on my chest and lower back helping my stand upright “are you okay?” the man asks as I feel him mover a bandage on my back slightly “th-thank you” I manage to thank him after finally catching my breath. Then man who is in his mid-thirties helps cry put our luggage in the lower part of the bus, finally standing up straight adjusting the bandages around my chest “you should be careful there kid you might break a rib” the man says nicely to me placing a hand on my shoulder guiding me on to the bus.
   The man sits down in his seat and buckles himself in I guess I better find a seat before I fall flat on my face glancing around the bus trying to find a spot to sit which was kinda hard cause most of the bus is filled by either sleepy or super hyper ancients. Looking towards the back I see a bunch of girls waving at me to come to sit with them, some of the girls in the group were laying over their seat making their chest look a lot bigger making my feel very weird and very uncomfortable.
  Their ora’s giving off a very sexual feel telling me their succubus's and there is no way in hell I am gonna sit with a bunch of sexual ancients. I kept looking around trying to find an open spot until I spotted a seat behind Cry who is making out with his boyfriend which is not surprising to me at all, walking up to the seat I see a boy with flaming red hair staring longingly at the sky. “Ma-May I s-sit with you?” I ask shyly, the boy looks over at me and opens his mouth to speak but before he could answer the bus starts to move, falling forward I fall straight on to the red-haired boy “OOF! Hehe it’s okay I got you, and yes you can sit with me” damn his voice is smooth almost like honey it makes my whole body feel funny like it’s awakening something inside me.
   Looking up to see his face only inches from mine our noses almost touching, I spring back a bit into my seat embarrassment flushes in my cheeks “s-sorry” I apologize “no no it’s okay you don't have to say sorry for an accident you didn't know the bus was gonna start moving." his voice is so smooth it just makes my heart swells with an odd but delightful happiness " o-okay " responding with a small smile hoping to calm my nerves sitting back in my seat adjusting the bandages around my torso making them slightly looser which in return allows more oxygen to enter my lungs.
  "Mark" the boy just spoke out of the blue looking at me with a  lively smile "p-pardon?" being very confused I tilt my head to the side envisioning my difficulty of trying to figure out what he was talking about "Mark, Mark is my name" stretching his arm out a bit to give me a handshake, taking his hand in mine we shake hands "Jack" my voice is soft and low shyness lacing into my every word "Jack" Mark hums "Jack seems like a good name for you" his voice seems to get deeper when he says my name causing that same strange feeling chilling me to the core as we gaze into each other's eyes.
   "the color of your eyes look so pretty" "hehe thank you, Jack, your eyes are very pretty themselves" he chuckles as a pink blush heats up across my cheeks rasing to the tips of my ears; letting go of his hand I cover my face trying to hide my embarrassing blush as much as I can "oh my god just kiss already and get over this cheesy flirting you two are doing" hey I know that voice that's Felix's voice. Uncovering my face I see Felix with his head turned sideways so you only see the side profile of his face with a faint view of cry sleeping soundly curled up in a ball on his lap "your one to talk Felix; you the one who started making out with cry within the first few seconds of him stepping on the bus" Mark laughs the last few words out unable to contain his laughter.
   I sit here giggling quietly as I feel entertained by the two boys bickering and laugh at each other, suddenly I feel some sort of light tap on my shoulder; not paying much attention I turn around expecting to see someone behind me but there was no one there in the seat behind me. In my peripherals, I catch the sight of two orange flaming tip tails; a small yelp escapes my lips and I jump back away from the tails looking down towards my hips scared my transformation hasn't started.
   "Oh shit, I'm so sorry jack I didn't mean to scare you, I shouldn't have been so careless with my tails" hi voice was filled with fright and sadness but chuckles lightly probably hoping I didn't catch on to his fright.

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