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His tails twist and turn together wrapping around his waist; the fire tips looking like they have now become a solid, creating a metal look almost like a belt; it is pretty impressive if I do say so my self.

"May I touch them?" my mouth seems to just blurt out my thoughts, weird I rarely ever do that unless I am very excited, but I don't feel anything out of the ordinary besides that strange feeling when I first have seen Mark. He gives me a questioning look then speaks hesitantly.

"y-your not scared?" he stutters out, unraveling his tails, releasing his waist from the neatly, twisted confinement the movement of the flames returning flickering with a dim bright red-orange glow against the harsh light penetrating the bus windows, lighting up the bus with a soft light. Sitting back up generally, not realizing I have slid down slightly, reaching my hand out somewhat wanting to run my hand by the flame tip, the soft fluffy looking fuzz coating his tails, judging by the way the fire had turned nearly solid that Mark is a hellhound. They're, not seen much, by being apart of the super rare class on the class ranking chart; it also said that their tails can be hard to deal with for the first ten years after getting their tattoo at the age of ten or eleven, that is depending on if Mark is a pure-blood or not.

"It's ok, you won't hurt me if you touch them, you know, I can tell your hesitant by that distent hurt look in your beautiful, captivating blue eyes" his voice turns more sweet and truthful, we gaze into each other's eyes. Tearing my eyes away from his chocolate-brown ones that seem to look like they are changing color to a more of a scarlet tint. Switching my attention back to his tails, slowly moving my left hand towards the orange flame grazing it through the beautiful light; the fire does not feel hot like I expected but warm and kind of soft. Mark's tails twitch a little now and then like their reacting to my touch he flashes me a warm, gentle smile, just then, our bus starts to stop, the breaks squealing under it as the bus slows to a stop, I wonder why were stopping? From my house, it takes nearly 17 hours by bus to get there, including stops for other ancients enrolling in our school.

"Okay, everyone, now is the time to get up, move around and stretch out for an hour, you can stay inside and sleep if you want, but just know we shouldn't stop for another four hours. Food will also be provided, when we start moving again" confusion takes over all my previous thoughts, sitting there as other ancients pass by me, most likely day-walkers.

"Hey, come on, jack lets go" Marks startles me out of my thoughts with his excited tone, I nod and agree to go, his smile seems to get brighter when I stand up, he skips out of the bus before chasing after Cry and Felix in their ancient forms, running around like kids in a candy store. Many other teens transformed, a few males stand by a large oak tree, near an old gravel road that our bus has stopped on. The boys surrounding the tree seem to be trying to climb the tree, but failing so very badly falling every time they jumped up, by watching them fall and trip over one another makes me laugh out slightly to myself, but it must have been too loud; the boys with soul-piercing glares plastered on all of their faces, approach me with confident strides.

"What is so funny that you are laughing at us for? weakling" assuming he is the leader, the boy speaks with a harsh tone staring me dead in the eyes. Feeling on the verge of trembling under his gaze, Feeling my body being controlled by something awakens a new sense of reassurance, I never knew I had and standing up straight. The feeling of their auras are suffocating I can tell they are apart of the rare class.

"Well? What is so funny out laughed at us for?" His tone is very harsh now, this is going to be fun, I hate it when people try to pick fights with me. I give the group a small crazy, almost insane like grin then speaking.

"Oh, nothing, just that none of you can climb something as simple as a tree, on top of that you guys wanna enroll in a school for ancients how pathetic," giving a small chuckle, I speak my mind hoping to throw them off their game with taunting words. He seems to be taken back at my words, but the teen's sharp composure returns surprisingly quickly "heh, it is not like in scared of a basic type like you," his group starts to get all hyped up about the mini argument I am having with the leader of all of their group.

"Do you even know my type? Are you a hundred percent positive that in a basic? For all you know, I can be so much stronger than you." With each word that comes out of my mouth become more toxic than the last, practically dripping with a poisonous tone the, more I speak, my words getting louder as I go on. Before I let them even try to cut in to take the flow of this conversation, I walk away to head deep into the unlit dense looking forest behind the clearing, where most of the students are congregating in. Pulling my hood up over my head, I sonder around getting farther in the woods, passing by some huge trees, they look so beautiful, the small rays of orange light seeping its way through the little spaces in between branches and leaves.

Wondering around for a small length of time, I come across a pretty good-sized clearing, the little light rays that espied in the forest, have now overcome this clearing flooding it with a strikingly bright yellow light. A pond is placed off-centered from the middle it sparkles in the light practically glowing in the sun, gradually moving closer to the water watching it glisten, it is so apparent almost as if it is not from this world. I gaze into the water, watching all the small fish, swim their scales sparkle as they glide through the water gracefully; I notice that there are some circular objects hidden in some rocks in the water I wonder what they could be upon closer inspection I see that one of them begins to move, the seaweed surrounding them moves along with it.

The objects shine like glitter, as the rays of yellow light invade the simmering liquid, sighing as the temptation of wanting to know what these glittering objects could be, and I give in, taking a glance around at my surroundings until I am sure there is no one in my area.

When I know no one is here, I begin to strip of my shoes, socks, my sweater, and finally, my shirt that has been hiding the few bandages covering my torso, along with a few spots on my arms, taking off the restricting fabric revealing a few glimmering scales scattered all across from my upper arms to the lower middle part of my back. They follow near two large gashes on my shoulder blades, that have never seemed to be able to scare over.

Deciding to the deep water, just enough to jump in without any problem, I take a few steps back to get a small running start before diving in headfirst in seconds the liquid has consumed my whole body, it feels so refreshing, it burns a little on my back, but still very relaxing none the less. Retrieving the circular objects, I surface shaking to force, the extra water out of my green hair, drops scattering everywhere before returning to the pond, gently setting the objects on the edge of the pond. They look like some type of...reptile eggs, Why would there be reptile eggs, hidden under the water? Grrrrrrrr a low growl comes from behind me, oh no please do not tell me that I had just disturbed someone's, nest the last thing I want is to get eaten. Moving very cautiously, I turn around hoping, I do not provoke this animal to do anything hostile, looking up in fear instead of seeing a wolf or something less dangerous then what is in front of me, with two large violet eyes staring me dead in the eyes. Shhhhh, a splash erupts, in the water to my right flinching at the water droplets, drowning in too much fear to run, the large, needle-like spines lining the ridge of its back growling deeply at me regaining the sharp stare we shared no more than fifty seconds ago. S-she is the mother, and she has just retrieved another more egg, darker in color but nearly just as shiny. Leaping out of the water, she lands onto the firm, soiled ground in front of me stowing away her eggs behind her deadly looking tail. Still retaining our mutual gaze, her intense stare is sending chills down to my bones I am scared she is going to try and kill me. I know I should not move from here but, I want to get away from here as fast as humanly possible. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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