Revenge went wrong!

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Thank you all for the kind words ;*

 I promise it wont be more drama for awhile after the next chapter.  I didn't know how to write this one but I hope you guys like it :)

Leave some ideas etc. It helps me to make this story good!

Love you'll <3

Q: were are you from? :)


 Shay's Pov

 I'm so happy that Sasha took the ring! I never thought that this plan would work, she forgive what I did. I love her so much and I'm not going to mess it up again. After we kissed we eat some food and small talk and then I saw that Sasha had tears in her eyes.

 “Shay..” Sasha whisper while we're sitting on around the table

 “Yeah babe?” I ask

 “I'm sorry for not listen to you.. I should have known that Lindsey was tricking you..” She says and could see tears running down her cheeks, I wiped them away.

 “You have nothing to be sorry about, it's me that should be sorry for what I did. Like I said like 10 minutes ago, I'll never hurt you ever again. And If I do I would never forgive myself. I love you and you know that” I say and give her a week smile. She look at me and smiled back.

 “I know... “She answer and when we were about to kiss we heard someone clearing their throat. We both got scared and a saw Lindsey standing there.

 “What a hell are you doing here?! And how did you know that we were here?” I yell

 “Well.. first I heard that you would make a plan to get that bitch back.” She pointed at Sasha

 “Don't you dare call her a bitch! That's my girlfriend!” I say back

 “No she's not, you're my girlfriend!” She answer

 “Are you out of your mind Lindsey?! Can you just leave us alone and let us be happy? Shay would never be with you and your games are not going to work so please leave before I call the police!” Sasha say back and grabbing my hands in fear.

 “I'm not talking to you bitch! Remember what I told you Shay? If you don't leave her then she will get hurt.”

 “I don't believe that you're capable of hurting someone!”

 “Do you believe it now?” She say and pointed a gun at Sasha I saw how scared she looked but then her face change to an “Alison face” Like that scene in the theater when Shana pointed at gun.

 “Lindsey, you don't need to do this. I know that you're a better person! If you love Shay you shouldn't been doing this. I know how hard it is that someone you love doesn’t love you back. Believe me I know. But you have to let it go, 'the one' is still out there. You don't stop looking when there's no more fish in the ocean or just have to except this and move on. So please put the gun down.”

 When Sasha said does things.. I couldn't believe that she's so smart. I looked at Lindsey and she slowly putting the gun down. Sasha lets go of me and tried to get the gun from Lindsey's hand put the next thing I know is pain in my stomach and everything went black.

 Sasha's Pov

 I let go of Shay and walk to Lindsey so I could get the gun of her hand. When I was about grab the gun she says

 “No.. I can't let you take her away from me!” Then I just felt someone push me and I hear a gun shot. When I look up I see Shay on the floor bleeding and her eyes are closed. I run to her side and tried to wake her up.

 “SHAY!! PLEASE PLEASE STAY WITH ME! YOU CAN'T DIE ON ME NOW THAT I GOT YOU BACK! I LOVE YOU! PLEASE OPEN YOUR EYES FOR ME!” I scream and I look up and see that Lindsey is gone. I tried to find my phone and call 911.

 After a few minutes the ambulance came and we went to the hospital. When I was in the waiting room I could hear the other girls run to me and ask me what happened.

 “Lindsey shot !” I say crying hysterically

 “WHAT?! I'm going to kill that bitch when I see her!” Ashley says

 “Ash.. calm down okay?” Troian says

 “Sasha.. she's going to pull this threw I know it.” Lucy says to me and tries to calm me down

 “Can you guys talk to the press? I can't handle them right now..” I say and the girls nodded.

 After a few hours the doctor came

 “Are you here for Shay Mitchell?”

 “Yes!” I say

 “She made threw her surgery, the bullet didn't hit any organs so she's going to be just fine. But she might have some pain when she wakes up so don't try to push her to talk or anything.. She needs rest.” The doctor say to us

 “Can I see her?”

 “Yes, right this way” He says and show me the room she was in.

 I open the door and see her on the bed with tubes and stuff. I took a chair and sat next her with her hands in mine. I feel tears running down my cheeks.

 “I need you to stay alive for me okay? I need you more then anything. Lindsey is going to pay for what she did to you and I'll make sure that she will be behind bars for the rest of her life. I love you” I say and kissed her forehead I looked at the TV and the news comes up. “Shay Mitchell have been shot by her co-star Lindsey Shaw” I turned of the TV and then I heard some moan. I looked at Shay and she's starting to wake up and she looked at me.

 “Heey” I say with a small smile

 “Sasha?.. what happened? Were am I and why does my stomach hurt?”

 “You don't remember?”

 She nodded her head

 “What's the last thing you remember?”

 “That we.. we were at this restaurant and we were about to kiss and then everything is black..” she said with tears in her eyes

 “Lindsey pointed a gun at me and you pushed me away.. “ I couldn't finish that sentence.

 “She.. She.. shot me?” Shay ask me

 “Ye-ah.. but the bullet was for me.. “ I could feel my tears running down my cheeks

 “You shouldn't have done that Shay...” I say

 “I did it to protect you.. I couldn't see you get hurt..” She answers

 “I can't lose you.. I thought that I had lost you..” I cried so hard

 “Come here” She whispers

 I lay down on the bed next to her. She wrapped her arms around me, I could feel her heart beat. Shay kiss on top of my head and say

 “I will always protect you.. I love you Sasha and I'm sorry if I scared you..”

 “It's okay... and I love you to” I looked deep into her eyes and kissed her. After a few minutes of kissing we heard someone knocking on the door.

 “Come in” I yelled

 When I see who it is I felt anger inside of me

 “What a hell are you doing here?!”

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