Chapter One

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It flooded my senses and began to try to consume me.

The usual steadiness of my heart beat skipped out of rhythm, the devoidness of having no reacting features strated to slip away.

It was working.

I dug the knife deeper.

I bit down on my bottom lip as pain came next, overriding the feeling of being prey.

I'm guessing being human isn't easy.

I smiled cruelly.

I sliced and turned it with the hilt gripped in my hand.

I could feel it slipping away, ready to leave me empty.

With shaky fingers I brought the bottle up and pressed it into the open wound.

When I held it up closer to my face I could see it was filled close to the top with a shiny clear substance.

My grace.

I tied the letter that held the directions on the bottle as my knees grew weak and fell out from under me.

I stared down at the white, bright floor and coudn't help but think of how blinding it was.

How didn't I notice that before?

I could have sworn I heard a muffled sound coming from behind me but I shook it away.

Using the rest of my remaining strength I stood, turned around, clasped the chain around my kneck with the bottle hangng from it and..


Falling to Earth..

A fallen angel I became.

Fallen AngelWhere stories live. Discover now