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3rd person POV-
Lauren became one of the most famous singers in the world after the band. She moved to London after her career took off because she had a tour there and fell in love with the place. She is still single because she didn't want a relationship to get in the way of her career. Over the years she started to develop an accent and now regularly switching between the two accents. The sole person her know a little bit about is Amy after the band from up and that is just from award shows and career-related things. Most people think she is a stuck up person and is really mean but in all reality, she hasn't changed. She is still a quiet loving person with a wild side. She also secretly misses her sisters even tho she ignores ever talking about them.

Lauren's POV-
I woke up at 5:00 A.M today because I had a day of interviews and I only just finished my fourth one. I still had 3 more to do today plus a live performance on one of them and it was already 2:00. The worst part is I just get asked the same questions over and over again. "When are you coming out with new music?" or "Any secret relationships we should know about?" and even "Do you still talk to your sisters from when you were all in a band a couple of years ago, is their gonna be a reunion tour?" it's so irritating that I have to refrain from snapping or rolling my eyes.

While I was on my way to my fifth interview today, I get a call from my mother. I haven't talked to her in a couple of months because I have been extremely busy with work. I contemplated if I should answer or not and just as I was about to we arrived at the place, so it would have to wait for now.

An hour later I finish with my interview and live performance and am ready to go to bed but I still have two more to go to. So instead pull our my phone and see about 15 missed calls from my mother with 5 texts. So immediately I called her to see what was so important. Little did I know this call was my excuse to get out of work for a little and reconnect with who I want to the most.

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