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3rd person POV-
The girls were all gathered in the living room by 5:30. The guys rook the kids to the park then for ice cream, allowing the girls to catch up. "How about we do this oldest to youngest, telling each other about our lives." stated Christina. That statement was followed by a chorus of agreements.

"Okay I guess that means I'm first." Chris said sitting up straighter. "Well as you know I married Nick, then I had Hope three years ago. Well, now I'm a teacher for a local middle school. Also, Nick and I are trying for another child. Well, that's about it from me." Christina revealed. "That's great Chris." Kath responded followed by agreements from the rest of the girls.
"My turn, so I married Max and had twin boys, Noah and Jason. I own my own bakery, but I am also a well known author. Nothing really interesting about me I stayed in touch with Chris a little though." Kathrine rambled off in one breath. Next was Lisa.

"Well, I moved to Florida after I married Chad. We didn't have any kids because we wanted to wait and make sure we were ready." "I am now a vocal coach and I give piano lessons. I still talk to Dani on occasions but not frequently." Lisa said bouncing on the edge of her seat. "I expected you to continue to do something with music." Christina said smiling at her younger sister.

"I am a famous country artist, and I moved to Kentucky where I now own three horses." "Are you seeing anybody?" questioned Dani not holding back. "No, I am still single, thought I did get proposed to once." Amy answered nonchalantly. "Someone proposed to you!" They all screamed in shock. "Yeah, so here is what happened. I had just finished a show and was in the middle of a meet and greet, when this very excited and happy fan came up to me. He kept on rambling about how much he loved me and my music; then the next thing I know he is down on one knee asking me to marry him." Amy explained thoroughly to her sisters. "You said no though right?" Questioned Kathrine. "Yeah I had to let him down slowly because at first he didn't understand."
"Okay moving on, Lauren your next." "I am musician, and I moved to London." "Nothing really interesting about me."
"Okay, so I am a designer and moved to New Jersey. I married Emmyn and still talk to Lisa."
After they all caught up they sat their longer talking about random things until the boys got back.

*discontinued* What Went WrongDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora