Chapter 2 - Lets try something new

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Mike's pov

"Well there goes our breakfast" I said as Cindy tossed the eggs into the bin, we laughed as she put the pan in the dishwasher, then made our way upstairs and got dressed.

"Wanna go out for breakfast?" I asked

"Yeah sure, why not" she smiled

What an amaizing smile

"Cool." we made our way through the lobby to the car park as I placed my arm around her hour - glass figure, we approached the car and I opened the door for her, she nodded and stepped in, I ran to the drivers side of the car and climbed in as well.

"Where to Miss?" I acted like Jack from titanic,

"To the sky." she smiled, as she realised who I acted out to be, so she responded like Rose.

I love her sooo, so much.

We both laughed at her reply, I took her hand and slowly brought it towards my lips and planted a little kiss on the back of her hand. She smiled and leand in for a kiss, when we started getting passionate she pulled away, "People are watching." she said, "Let them" I said and continued with the pleasure.

After our kiss I started the engen we hit the road, we drove to the nearest Café and found our seats, a young man, round about our age approached us as he stared right at Cindy, but she did not realise a thing, "Good morning and welcome to Bill's Café, can I take your order?" He said all of this glancing at my wife

Idiot you better back away before I do something I'll regret.

"What will you have babe?" I ask Cindy as the waiter turned his head at the word babe,

"I don't know really, I will have whatever you're having." She said as she smiled and reached for my hands, and gave me a 'dont say or do anything dumb ' squeeze.

I turned my head to look at the waiter, I looked down at his name tag and back to his face, " Do I have to sniff my way to finding the menues in this café Jim?" I asked

"Well Sir, it depends..."

"On what exacly?"

"If you look like a sniffer then the waiter, being me, recognises you and does not bring you a menu, and if you dont look like a sniffer well, you're in luck." He smiled.

Damn idiot.

"So are you telling me that my lovely wife and I look like the sniffers you are talking about?" I asked as I let go of Cindy's hand and stood up realising that I was much taller than this ass.

"No, sir, um..not at all, I'll be right with you with your menues" He moved back in surrender before he turned around and almost tripped.

I sat back down to see tears roll down Cindy's eyes, "Babe are you ok?" I asked trying to keep calm, instead of replying she burst with laughter,

"Im crying he, he um...whooo...he chickend out so fast, and so I had to hold my laughter in for quite a while...ahhhh." she explained.

"Your one of a kind Cindy, your one of a kind." I said as I shook my head.

"Your m...menues sir." Jim said as he made his way to our table.

"Thank you Jim." I smiled at him

"I'll have the sunny side up thanks." Cindy said.

"No babe, your always having the same thing, why dont we...try something new?" I told her

"But I dont want to..."

"We will have whatever that guys eating." I said to Jim while pointing at a man sitting a few tables infront of us.

"Yes sir." Jim nodded before he went into the kitchen.

After a couple of hours of laughter and eating we left to make the most of what was left of our honeymoon.


Hey again guys, hows chapter 2?

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