126-how you cheer them up

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noah ;
-watch his favourite movies with him
-show him your old musical.ly's
-buy him heaps of junk food
-uhm gogo squeez

finn ;
-binge watch whatever shows he wants to watch on netflix with him 
-make him food
-play with his hair

millie ;
-watch all her favourite disney movies with her
-get her favourite food 
-make tik toks with her

sadie ;
-make her favourite dinner 
-watch dog videos with her
-show her old photos of you

gaten ;
-make him new playlists
-play ukulele for him (if u dont play ukulele im v sorry lol)
-watch tik toks with him 

caleb ;
-try to make him laugh, it always works
-tell him funny stories about things that have happened to you
-tell him dad jokes 

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