Choosing the right quality HR consultant

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HR consulting companies can bea professional or a group of such folks who can provide expert advice in a particular area. In this case we will be talking about the area of Human Resource short for HR. There are multiple areas Top HR consulting Firms in India can help your organization but can be essentially classified as staffing or recruitment, learning & development, compensation, safety & health, Organizational Development interventions and employee/labor relations. These are activities are all interlinked with the one core thought of organization treating employee well and they could mutually benefit from each other in the long term.

Outsourcing these HR consulting services could help in multiple ways. Let's go one area at a time

Recruitment: The hiring process is point where choosing the right candidates comes place.There are multiple formal and informal ways of assessing candidates.Top HR Consulting Firms can help you in choosing the right person by using game based assessment tools or other paper based tools .These psychometric tests will help the organization confidently get the right set of candidates .This is especially useful where the character of the person is very important and sometimes the instinct you develop as a HR manager can be substantiated by these tools which are provided by many top HR consulting firms in India. The efforts and time required in this process is high but extremely important for the future of the company.

Learning &Development: On-boarding employees and giving resources for their development is an important investment for all companies. These activities which can be provided by HR consulting Companies can include functional training to keep employees abreast about their respective fields, functional soft skill development like communication, leadership, collaboration etc.

Compensation:This is a very important part where the entire system can be automated for compensation and benefits.This usually is done through a payroll system.Usually the efficiency of this depends on the knowledge,process and execution of these systems.Top HR consulting firms in India play an important role in setting these systems up and helping the companies to maintain and upgrade then as and when required.This will include salaries benchmarking with industry, right insurance schemes, retirement plans, Annual Increments and frame of references, compliances with various legal and cultural expectation etc.

Safety: This is very important especially in the context of manufacturing activities where injuries or even death could lead to high amount of trauma in the company.It is very important to have a process oriented systems for safety where management treats every person in the company as their priority.For this the HR consulting companies can provide detail documentations on best practices across industries and also help study areas of improvement.

Organizational Development (OD) interventions: This covers the aspects of how an organization is designed for running to its optimum efficiency and way the vision of the management can be integrated into the culture in the form, structure and spirit .These are strategic areas where very Top HR consulting firms play a phenomenal role in bringing the right ingredients into organization mixture to get it on a rapid growth path

Employee and Labor Relations: Taking cognizance of employee rights, coordinating with unions, resolving disagreements is very important aspect of HR. This is where HR consulting services with an expertise on labor relations and assessments of blue collars can play a strong role

So if we had to look at the key areas within the above and come to a conclusion on the ways to choose a quality and top HR consultingfirms in India we can mention the following 5 points

Cost effective

Outsourcing can be very cost effective. HR consulting services providers often have access to HR professionals who have more experience and specialized knowledge than your own staff. To hire individual employees with this experience would cost you more than hiring a team of HR consultants for a short period of time of the project implementation

For small to medium sized companies, it can also be more cost effective to hire a team of HR Consultants who will do the job well and with efficiency, than it can be to build up an HR department from scratch. For example, recruiting, interviewing, hiring and training HR employees to perform at the level at which human resources consultants perform can cost a great deal of time and money. One could outsource HR functions first and, as part of your contract with them, have them recruit in-house HR employees who can continue the great work they started.


Experienced HR Consultants can often deal with processes more effectively – especially quite complex HR functions such compensation and benefits administration, employee regulations, health and safety. This will reduce the time that employers and managers spend on HR-related paperwork and procedures,

Employee development

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit "– Aristotle

Employee development is the collaboration of the employee along with the employer to improve their existing skills, knowledge and abilities as individuals and groups.

It is of utmost importance that employees keep themselves abreast with the latest developments in the industry so as to get ahead of the constant changes seen. It doesn't matter if it is a profitable enterprise, a government agency, or a non-profit corporation, development of the employee has both indirect and direct impact on efficiency.

Top HR consulting firms in India can provide these employee development programs and more importantly make it part of their culture of continuous improvement for their employees.

Regaining primary focus

Business leaders often get embroiled in the day-to-day HR issues, distracting them from their main business focus. Outsourced HR consulting companies allow you to shift your focus back, while providing comfort knowing that the HR side of things is being taken care of.

By working alongside the HR consultants, your own HR staff can learn and grow, as well as being able to focus their efforts in key areas.

Save time

Top HR Consulting Firms can often be brought in to help create some of the more difficult HR documents such as employee handbooks and employee files, and to help establish best practices. In turn, this documentation contains the answers to many employee questions, ranging from how to book Leave Travel Allowance to safety procedures. By having the answers at their fingers tips, employees (and employers) get consistent answers to their questions, faster.

Employee satisfaction and improved retention

The quality of work HR consulting service providerdoes has a direct effect on employee satisfaction Having an HR expert speak honestly with your employees about their work, and then having changes implemented that are fair and that benefit everyone, will lead to greater employee engagement, better efficiency and reduced attrition.

Minimizing risk management

Outsourced human resources consultants help businesses minimize risk. Employment laws change regularly and it can be difficult for employers to remain up-to-date on regulations that affect the workplace. It is the job of top HR consulting firms in India to stay on top of these laws so that you don't have to know granular details. They will make sure your policies and procedures comply with these laws and that both the employer and the employee are protected. They may also regularly maintain your documentation to make sure you are continually up-to-date.

Having an outsourced top HR Consulting Firm assist with your long-term strategic management and goals such as succession planning, corporate culture, and coaching and leadership development allows more time to be invested into these areas than you may have. This shift in HR focus towards strategy, policy and decision making will bring about a much greater, sustainable return compared to the initial up-front investment for outsourcing HR activities .

Overall HR consulting firms plays a major rolein the development of an organization helping them seed the right frameworkswithin which they could bloom.Choose the right HR Consulting Firm today basedon the gaps you have within your organization .Always look at the value you aregetting for the price being asked as higher quality has a larger price tagespecially with Top HR Consulting Firms in India.

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