Part 1 - The Free Spirit

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Another day, another ayakashi to slay.

"Would you look at that, Yukine," Yato who wore the dark navy sweatshirt and sweatpants, pointed at a large ayakashi as he spoke to Yukine. He and Yukine were standing on a building near a college.

"That's a pretty huge one," Yukine claimed nervously.

"Fret not, Yukine. You can do this! You're sharp, you can cut anything. Come, Sekki!" As Yato said that, Yukine transformed into two swords.

Yato then gestured to fight the ayakashi as he chanted, "Thou who dares desecrate this land of the rising sun! I now lay waste to thee with Sekki and expel thy vast defilement!"

Yato jumped on the ayakashi and slashed through the dispised spirit with the swords.

"Rend!" As Yato said that, the ayakashi was destroyed and disappeared from view.

"Revert, Yuki!" Yato commanded and Yukine was reverted back to his human form.

"We did it!" The god celebrated as he high fived his shinki, Yukine.

"Why was it here though, at this college?" Yukine looked around the building.

"Hm, it's their final exams. So their stress might have been the cause of the ayakashi's existence. Plus, the stress might have increased as it is hot here," Yato explained as he moved his hand to fan himself.

"Can I check it out for a moment?" Yukine asked Yato for a permission to check out the college.

Yato rolled his eyes, "Ugh, do what you want. I'm leaving,"

As Yato left, Yukine walked around the college buildings. He seemed to be interested to know how different the way of the students here studying than the students from the middle school.

He wondered if he was still alive, he might have further his studies in a college by now.


A teenage girl around 18 was wandering around the college. She watched some people chatting at the most popular place for the students to spend their time at. Some of them were having a group study too. They were discussing about a certain subject.

Then, she heard some girls gossiping.

"Did you hear? One of the students here was murdered at her home right before the finals starts. That poor girl,"

"Murdered?! You can't be serious!" The other student didn't hide how shocked she was.

"I heard. It was scary. I can't believe someone who studies here could be murdered. This college had never have this kinda news before. It must be a buglar who did it but no one mentioned that her parents lost their things though," a brunette explained how she felt and spoke her opinion.

"So it's a girl? How old was she?"

"I heard she was 18. It's sad, so sad. I think her parents are still grieving as well since she was their only child. She was their only hope as she got herself into college," it was shown on her face, she felt so sorry for the victim's parents.

"Yeah, I would be sad too if I know her,"

"It actually affects us as we're the same age as her. We should be careful from now on,"

She eavesdropped the whole conversation. It's not like they noticed her there. She wondered who was murdered. What exactly was her name?

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