Record Breaking

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"And...time!" Eli grinned, watching as Screven burst through the forest and into the field, sprinting over the line marked in the ground.

"Got it." Joseph waved a hand, the lit candle in front of him extinguishing as he willed; the wax cooling. He measured the height against the candles of the runners that had gone before Screven, ignoring him as he collapsed to the ground in exhaustion.

"It's times like this that I hate being a Water Elemental. The training course looked so much easier for Vera," he complained as he gasped for breath.

"The ancient forest adjusts itself to our strengths, weaknesses, and abilities." Eli walked over to the candles to study the results, waiting as the course readjusted itself for the last runner of the Night Owls.

Joseph smacked Eli's hand as he came too close, and tried to touch a candle. Eli raised his hands in a surrender position, and backed off.

"It was a good run, Screven. Your candle's height ties with Joseph. Vera still holds second place, though the overall record remains unbroken - for now."

"For now," Mercy echoed as she did a last warmup stretch. "I still think using candles to measure our speed against each other is archaic."

"Maybe so," Joseph laughed, "but it's more accurate than having Eli count when it's this late."

"Rude. I'm right here," Eli raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sorry, Father Eli."

"You know it's true though," Michaela shrugged as she fist-bumped Joseph, not sorry in the least.

Eli crossed his arms, attempting to look serious.

"It wasn't my idea to hold these trials before midnight, I'll have you know. And even without the sun in the sky, I still managed to hold first place. Enough sass, children. Mercy, you're up. Soon as you finish, the last of us five will return back to the camp to...present the results."

Mercy walked up to the line. She took a deep breath in, eyes closed as she calmed herself. She'd been training for this, training to break the record and take the title of Forest Blade.

"Ready, set, go!" Eli ordered.

Mercy's eyes snapped open as she pushed herself into a sprint. She weaved around the trees and dodged a blurred animal as it moved passed her, barely missing what she assumed were its sharp antlers.

A strike of lightning hit one of the trees. She looked up to the sky, the clear night now darkened to clouds of grey-black. She cursed as she heard the crackle of fire behind her.

Spinning around, she noticed the fire spreading outward, and knew it would become out of control, destroying the habitats and homes of many animals. This wasn't a fight she wanted, and wasn't sure she could handle alone. This was one of her nightmares.

She could run - finish the course and return with Joseph and Screven. She was so close, after all. Or she could be brave, and face her fear.

"There goes the title of Forest Blade," she muttered as she began to battle the flames by herself, a fight between four elements.

The earth split open at her command, needing to draw water from an underground reservoir.

She called water droplets out of the air, using the wind to create a firebreak as the flames double-backed on itself.

It was exhausting, but she was winning the fight, her water whips and spheres expertly aimed at the fire's weak spots.

The last of the fire died with a hiss as Mercy targeted the trees with a barrage of water.

Before she could move, three dryads separated from the worst-charred trees.

Hair of leaves and vines, skin of bark, and eyes of green studied her. The dryad in the middle took a step forward, lifted Mercy's chin.

"You risked a great deal, child. What's more, however, is that you passed the test. Congratulations, Forest Blade."

The dryad's sister stepped forward and placed a flower crown on Mercy's head.

The illusion disappeared, the ancient forest once again whole.

"A good day for gifts, it seems," the last dryad said, waving a hand.

The trees before the Night Owl straightened into a path, one that would lead her back to the field.

Grateful for the gifts, she bowed to the dryads. At their encouragement, Mercy turned and dashed through the last few meters of forest before breaking through, passing over the line.

"Call it!" Eli said, confirming that Mercy was finished. She had done her best.

Mercy looked at Joseph, frowned as she saw all twenty-five of the runners' candles were lit.

"Well, that's a fire hazard, Joseph. What in the world-"

"Surprise!" the Riders of Jua exclaimed, a mix of Night Owls, Day Hawks, and Early Birds appearing from behind Joseph.

The earth Elemental led Mercy over to the table lined with candles, and that's when Mercy noticed that, what she thought was a decorative table top, was actually a cake. No wonder Joseph had been so protective over the table.

They gathered around her, and Eli began to lead them all in a decent-sounding song of celebration. Ending in cheers, they watched as Mercy blew out the candles, and made a wish.

"Happy birthday, Mercy," Michaela grinned, giving the newest Forest Blade, her friend, a hug.

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