Poetic Justice

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"How hard is it to find these stupid little plants?"

"Are you sure we're in the right area?" Screven asked Mercy.

"Yes, I'm damn sure. We've followed the map exactly."

"Well, not exactly..." Simon muttered.

"What do you mean not exactly?" She turned away from the herbalist to glare at the Earth Elemental. "Michaela, if you've led us off astray-"

"-hold on a minute! Who exactly is holding the damn map? Yeah, I thought so," Michaela said as she met Mercy's gaze.

"You're the Earth Elemental! Aren't you supposed to know where we are?" Mercy asked, flinging her hands up in frustration.

"That's not how it works," Michaela stated. "This particular map is paper, and the marks on it aren't even correct. If I'd been given an Elemental map, I'd have a better idea."

"An Elemental map?" Adora asked.

"Yes. Ever seen the more bulky stone maps? Kind of like tablets, but instead of words, it has engraved patterns that make sense to Earth Elementals who use vibrations. It gives us a literal feel for the specific territory."

Michaela shrugged, hitting her foot against the ground.

"Basically, if we study the map's pattern using vibration, we can follow the 'map' as we know it using our Elemental instincts, and note if something has changed in the area. Nature is wild, so its not uncommon to edit the map to the new pattern."

"Nature is wild?" Mercy said, gasping.

Michaela gave her an unimpressed look, an eyebrow raised.

The Water Mage laughed, moving away from her to join Simon a couple of trees away.

Screven stood next to Michaela, arms folded. He waited for her to speak.

"Why did your team drag me along? I don't cook, can't read paper maps for my life, and I can't magically direct us to herbal plants."

"We like your personality."

"Doubtful, but thank you," Michaela chuckled.

"Then we did it for protection...?" he trailed off, thinking.

"Wait a sec, Screven. Simon did say the herbs grew around a water source, right?"


"There's a water source on the map, but the map is wrong - the water is further north."

She whistled, gaining everyone's attention.

"The map is wrong. The water source for the herbs is north of here. We've about a kilometre to go."

Mercy looked at Simon, who simply sighed.

"Let's go, then."

Mercy and Screven stayed behind Michaela as she led the way.

"You know what I'm still waiting for?"

"No clue. Your whims change from day to day."

She swatted his arm.

"Rude. Anyway, you still haven't given me a reply yet."

He furrowed his eyebrows. What was Mercy on about? Oh, wait...

"In my defence, Mercy-"

"It's been two full moon cycles, Screven."

Oh no. He hated when she had that glint in her eye.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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