????????? Empire

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Warning, this contains spoilers of "Origins of our World", if you plan to try to convince me roleplay (or continue roleplaying) with you about it, I highly recommend for you to not read it.

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This empire is a really precious one, in my opinion. Not only because she participates in the history of the "Origins of our World" by saving the "good" people (good in the point of view of the gods) from the natural disasters unleashed on the third dimension and also protecting the humans with her fleet. It's precious for me because of its development.

The First Version - - - -

The first version of the Celestial Empire was never finished, but my work on it begun even before this roleplay book existed. My first intention in finishing this empire was to create a place where I could be free to create anything, without being limited by anything. It would be far more OP than the other empires of this world. It would be one of the available empires to be used by the players, but since it was going to rather boring because of the history of the empire, I decided to give this empire I whole page, where it would participate in the roleplay as a great threat that needs to be stopped. I thought it was a bad idea to create such an OP empire at the time, so I abandoned it.

"The empire started with Daigo Kimura of the Sun Empire. The gods called him and said that they had great plans for him... He should leave the territories of the empire he served and go deep into the unknown seas. He believed in the gods' words and told his friends to help him with that. Most of them only laughed after hearing Kimura's claims, calling him crazy and also refusing to help. But the true loyal friends didn't abandon Kimura and believed in what he said, helped him.

They stole a ship and left the Sun Empire... They were caught by a violent storm once they were inside the unknown parts of the sea. The ship got destroyed, but Kimura and his friends miraculously survived and reached an island... The place the gods wanted Kimura to find. The gods gave instructions for Kimura once he was there... He needed to bring peace to the inhabitants that were constantly fighting against each other.

He obeyed... It took some time, but then peace was achieved and Kimura was rewarded for this. The natives had created and joined a giant society, putting Kimura as their leader since he was the one responsible to make this possible. Later, this society became the Great Celestial Empire, led by the Imperial family of Kimura".

That was the history taught and told by the nowadays inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, but if it was true or not they do not know. That was taught by the schools even if they didn't know it was true with the intention of fortifying the power of the Imperial Family, saying they had connections with the gods.

There are many people around the world that are loyal to the Celestial Empire, though no one knows about them. They are spies that invite people that were selected by the Imperial Family to live in the Celestial Empire. If they refuse, the spies have the order to use an advanced tech that makes people forget about things. One of the most known accepted people is Angel Wright, who later married with Eizo Kimura. She received the Imperial Family name and would become the current empress of the Celestial Empire when Eizo died from an unknown disease.

The territories of the Celestial Empire are 13 islands, a medium-sized main one and 12 smaller ones that surround the main one. The small islands have fortifications build on them and a tower with the "moonlight" and "sunlight" tech equipped with them. They would block anything not authorized to come closer to the main island. This main island is an absolute paradise, many beautiful urban, natural and mixed landscapes can be seen there and is also a very rich place, with abundant fonts of water, many varieties of crystals and ores and many places with fertile soils.

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