Chapter Nine: Turbulence Ahead

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Chapter Nine: Turbulence Ahead


I left Phil after we checked in for our flight, I needed to call Amy and end things with her. We hadn't exactly had a smooth couple of months, she was controlling and manipulative, a stark contrast to the danasaur I first laid eyes on. And every time I bought up breaking up she always found a way to distract me, at least over the phone she couldn't manipulate me. Phil didn't like her and the fans loathed her, we were happy but not anymore, I felt like she'd physically drained me of any energy I had.

I was usually bad at keeping to a regular upload schedule but whenever I told her I needed to film she'd always ask to be in the video. When I told her no she'd kick up a fuss and find a way to make me feel guilty, Phil once suggested pushing her down the stairs. I knew he was joking but I was really considering it some days.

She was also very suspicious when I told her that I was going to hang out with my friends. It was normal custom for youtubers to collab with each other but she didn't trust me. I wasn't allowed to film with female youtubers because she saw them as competition. One day I snuck out with Phil, he was filming a video with Alice and I decided to film with Carrie. Amy soon found out through one of Alice's tweets that she and Phil were making a video; Amy put two and two together and stormed up to the girls flat.

Luckily Phil answered the door but he was too shocked to answer Amy's question about whether or not I was sleeping with Alice. She took it the wrong way and barged into the flat, Alice was putting away her film equipment In the living room when Amy all but assaulted her and began pulling her hair and calling her a slut for sleeping with me. Carrie and I heard the screaming and left Carrie's bedroom, Amy saw Carrie and I together and saw red before she blew up, she leapt at Carrie calling her every name under the sun but Phil managed to pull her away. Carrie was in tears and Alice looked like hell with a cut lip and a red cheek.

After that day things went from bad to worse, Amy was like a stroppy teenager who needed attention twenty four seven. Now in the airport I was ready to end things for good, that's if she answered her phone.

"Oh my god hey babe, I wasn't expecting a call from you."

I shivered at her sickly sweet voice; I wanted to slam my head into a wall. I took a deep breath, if I didn't end it now then I probably wouldn't. It's just like ripping off a plaster, whoever sad that was clearly quite insane.

"Amy, I'm breaking up with you. I want my life and my friends back; I want to be able to make my own decisions without you manipulating me. We're done so please delete this number and goodbye."

I hung up, okay maybe that was a little cruel but I was free from her shackles at last. I slid my phone away and made my way towards the departure lounge. My eyes immediately fell on Phil who was standing as still as a mannequin, I followed his gaze and my eyes fell on Cherry and Alice talking. Phil and I weren't the only ones watching the exchange, Jack and Finn were also watching but with guilty expressions. Everyone but Alice knew about Finn's cheating ways, and I quickly made the connection between the guilt on Finn's face and the guilt on Cherry's as Alice handed her something.  Had Finn been unfaithful? I'd have to find out more before I confronted him. I still had feelings for Alice but I didn't want to see her get hurt, was this love? Or was I craving her friendship again?

Alice walked back over to Phil and handed him something, Phil looked shocked before he engulfed Alice in a hug. They walked towards the terminal as our flight had just been announced, their arms linked together. I was standing behind Cherry in the line; she turned around and smirked at me.

"Well Daniel have fun with Alice while you still can."

I raised an eyebrow in her direction, what the hell was she talking about.

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