Everything is in Place

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5:52 am                                                                                                                                                                                   2 Days Left

I couldn't sleep to save my life. I'm so worried about getting all the money transferred over in time. Even though I'm beyond grateful that the guys agreed to help us out, my anxiousness is overpowering that right now. Trying to take my mind off of it I decided to go over to Xio's room and see if she's up so we could do something together knowing fully well she'd be up too. As I made my way down the hall to her room I heard a small noise coming from down stairs. quickly but quietly going back into my room to get a weapon I made my way down stairs into the kitchen where the noise came from. As I turned the corner ready to shoot whoever is in there, I switch the light on nd point my gun at a scared Xiomara that just dropped her bowl on the floor spilling the cereal that was in it putting her hands up in surrender. "Wow there bud," she says with a small laugh taking the gun out my hands and putting it on the counter. "Sorry Xio, I just heard something down here. My bad." I say with a smile on my lips bending down to help her clean up the floor. "No It's fine I would have done the same, I thought you'd be sleep." She says shrugging it off putting the bowl in the sink while I put the now soggy cereal in the trash. "Why are you up anyway so late." She ask with a questioning look. "I could ask you the same thing." I say with a brow raised. "Yeah you could, but I asked you first." She says with a smirk knowing she had won this small back and forth debate. 

Sighing I sat on the stole running a hand through my hair propping up my head. "I don't know I guess I'm just anxious about today. There are so many what if's going through my mind I can't think straight." I confess plopping my head down on the counter  groaning. This isn't like me at all. I never worry bout situations like this, Xio knows this. I don't know what' going on with me and I don't like it. "Hey look at me. You have nothing to be worried about, if anything I should be the one acting a mess right now not you. Everything is gonna be alright. We got the rest of the money coming you have nothing to stress about. The hard parts over all we have to do now is get are heads ready for tomorrow, we have to be on our toes, no distractions." For a moment I was surprised with what Xio just said. Ever since the whole Miguel getting kidnaped thing she's been a reck and I've been the one to try and reassure her everything would work out fine and now here we are totally in each others shoes, but what she said really got to me though. I knew the boys would come through and that I had nothing to worry about but I just couldn't shake this feeling that something was gonna happen. Decided to just drop it I nodded and tried to act like I was fine not wanting to make her upset. "Well since I answered you now's your turn." I say "Oh I was just hungry." She says casually ending with us on the floor laughing. "Well since were both awake wanna watch movies." I say standing up and dusting myself off. "Oh please like you even have to ask me that." She says as we both make out way up the stairs and into my room.

4 hours later                                                                                                                                                                         10:37 am

Xio and I just finished watching Bad Boys when we decided to start getting ready. When she left the room I began to pick up all the snack rappers that ended up on the floor along with the ones in my bed. When I finished I went into the bathroom to get a shower. I was in there for a good hour not wanting to get out and lose contact of the hot water. stepping out and wrapping myself in the towel, I made my way out back into my room drying off. Quickly getting dressed and going down stairs to get a granola bar I pulled out my phone checking my notifications to see if the money had come yet which it didn't. Hearing Xio come down the stairs I pushed it aside turning my phone off. "Hey. I figured since we didn't really eat breakfast we could go somewhere." She said smiling and picking the keys up. "Yeah sure, but I'm driving." I quickly say as she turns to toss me the keys. We make our way out the house to my car speeding off towards any breakfast place we see really. We end up going to this dinner called Laura's . The food was really good there, defiantly going back there soon. Xio ordered waffles, toast, eggs, sausage, hashbrowns, fruit, and orange juice while I got pancakes, potatoes, fruit, bacon, an omelet and hot chocolate. After we paid for the meal we left to hang out at the mall for a little while. While at the mall I got a text from the boys saying all the money got transferred over. I texted back a thankyou and that we'd pay them back as soon as we could. I breathed out a sigh of relief.

Me and Xio rushed back home so that we could transfer everything to cash as soon as possible. As soon as we got home the first thing we did was transfer everything over into cash, stack it, and put all the money into duffel bags. Xiomara was right, everything was gonna be ok and the hardest part which was getting the money is over. Now we just have to be prepared for tomorrow. Smiling at Xio we both put the duffel bags into a safe just incase not wanting anything to happen to the money over night. As we made our way up the stairs as it was now night now I plopped onto my bed. Just as I was drifting off my phone pinged signaling someone had texted me. Wincing at the bright screen, I turned the brightness down being to lazy to turn the lights on. The text was from an unknown number that read, 'You better have my money tomorrow our things might just get dirty.'  Instantly knowing who it was from I shortly replied saying we have the money turning my phone off and rolling back over. 'Tomorrow should be interesting.' I say to myself as I let the darkness consume me falling into a deep sleep from being drained worrying today.


Hey guys sorry this was late. I hadn't had the time to update due to curtain things that I talked about in one of my post. I estimate that there will be either 1 or 2 more chapters after this but most likely there is going to be 2. Hope you guys liked this  and I'll be trying to update the last 2 soon hopefully.

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