I don't think bears live here in the middle of Rhode Island.

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I don't know what I was expecting to find when I got to the swing set. Oliver wasn't there. Of course he wouldn't be here. It's 1am no one should be out in the forest that late. I sat down on the swing and pulled out a pack of Marlboro. I know smoking is bad but it put my mind in the right place plus every check up I have my lung are squeaky clean. I lit one, blew a heavy cloud into the night sky full of stars and closed my eyes, enjoying the sound of crickets and the rush of leaves when a breeze came by. Who ever Camelle was and who ever Oliver was shouldn't have bothered me in that moment, I only think I had to worry about was staying warm. But I couldn't get them out of my mind. Camelle seemed like a stuck up brat but Oliver seemed...i don't know... less bratty? I was pulled out of my thoughts when a twig cracked off in the forest. I don't think bears live here in the middle of Rhode Island. I got up and went over to investigate only to be disappointed by Oliver's lean frame and not a wild beast.
"Jeez man. What are you doing here so late?" I said feigning shock
"I could ask you the same thing"he smirked and stepped closer "you having any news for me? Like a specific person perhaps?" I decided to not share my new house mate's where about until he told me why he needed her so badly.
"No. I don't think I do" I shot a smirk of my own and sat back down on the swing.
"That's too bad." He was now standing in front of me. In the pale moonlight I cold barely tell that he had no jacket in and he was casually standing with his hands in his jean pockets. "I'm not some creep who lives in the woods"
"I couldn't tell" I could
"I live in the cabin on the other side of the trees." He didn't move "I just moved here"
I ignored him and pulled out another cigarette. Changing the subject I asked
"Why do you want Camelle so badly?" I puffed out smoke towards his abdomen which was now only about a foot from my face.
He swiftly backed up and sat in the other swing "I-she's a piece of a-a puzzle" the way he said it caught me off guard.
   "I cant explain it all to you but she had the power to change something in my life-in all of our life's really"
   "Our?" He didn't answer. He turned his head in a way that made him look bored but somehow I got the feeling that he was just uncomfortable. "She's living with me. My parents took her in as a collage housing deal with Rhode Island." I gave an apologetic smile and he smiled back. He didn't feel uncomfortable anymore, he felt relived. I don't know how I knew that. Oliver abruptly turned his head to look at me. He looked a little confused and I felt my self blush under his stare. Thank god that it was dark.
   "Did you feel that?"
   "Feel what?" Now I was confused
   "What I felt" he paused "You-you're difficult to read" my heart raced as I heard a car start. I checked my watch and the time read 5:30. Have we really been out here for 4 hours? I looked back at Oliver but he was already gone. As I stood to leave I felt eyes watching me but no one to claim them.

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