Why was he scared?

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I didn't even grab a jacket. It was 39 degrees and I didn't grab a jacket. Clouds rolled across the sky and shaded me as I trampled my way to the swing set in the woods. Ever since the bathroom thing I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched as I sat down on the rusting swing. I didn't have Oliver's number so I couldn't text him to ask him if he'd be here soon. I almost got up to grab a sweater real quick but I changed my mind when I heard footsteps behind me.
"Milo" this boy is going to destroy me with that accent.
"Oliver" I smiled over my shoulder. It was forced, but I was happy to see him."What did you need to talk about?"
    "Well" he sat down next to me "you're different. I'm not sure how or why but there's something about you I can't shake"
   "Yeah. That actually reminds me"i didn't forget "something...weird happened today." I look up at him
   "Go on" he waved his hand and squinted. He was interested but scared. Why was he scared?
   "I have this thing, it's called Synesthesia. Its where I associate colors with things like names and stuff. Sometimes I get like these horrible headaches and sensory overload when I hear music" he shifted uncontrollably "anyway during lunch it happened but it was different. Instead of an over load of all the colors it was just one"
"What color?" His heart sped up
"I don't think that really matters"
"Milo what color did you see?" His eyes looked tense
"Blue. I saw blue okay. Why is that-"
" We need to go. Now. Right now" he quickly stood up and pulled me up with him.
"Oliver stop. Where are we going?" I tried to pulled my arm away but the held on tightly. It didn't hurt. He twisted to look at me in the face. He looked into my eyes.
"Don't panic. Follow me"
Suddenly I felt the strong urge to go with him. I felt calm. Relaxed almost. We walked-ran really-in the opposite direction of my house. When Oliver told me there was a cabin on the other side of the woods I knew is he was lying. I grew up in the woods. We reached a picnic clearing by the road. An old 1960 Pontiac sat under a tree. Some of the paint chipped off but for the most part it was in pretty good shape.
"Get in"
• • •
About 30 minutes later we were in the next town over. The buildings faded to trees and the sky grew darker. We pulled onto a dirt road and drove all the way down to a large house shrouded by green bushes and trees. It looked old but not falling apart, you could easily tell which parts were original and which were add ons. There were two halves painted different colors white their own front doors. We drove through the wrap around drive way that curved towards the back right of the house. When we parked Oliver turned to me.
    "Text your mom and tell her your staying over at Rachel's. Get Rachel to vouch for you" I pulled out my phone and texted my mom. My fingers tapped out the words and sent them. I was in control of my body but not my decisions. My phone dinged.
Mom: ok sweetie. Text me or Caleb if you need to be picked up.
"We have to get inside. Come on"

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