[1] Stupid Little Boy Squad

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C H A P T E R  1

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C H A P T E R 1

The lonely streets gave off an air of dangerous serenity as I trudged towards the skyscraper. Shivering, I pulled the trench coat closer to my small frame as the chilly wind blew my bouncy dark curls to the side, my red lipstick a stark contrast against the gloomy, grey day. I entered the building hurriedly, seeking the comforting warmth that it would provide.

My calculating eyes met the first person in my sights: A short, plump woman. Her tight work attire that clearly stated "Roman Industries" on the left breast pocket gave that away. Otherwise, I wouldn't have guessed she worked here with her dark roots showing at the base of her fiery red hair and clown-like makeup, obscuring her face like a mask from a costume shop.

I straightened out my clothes, putting on a face of fake surprise. "Hey, I haven't seen you in years!" I squeal. In reality, I'd never met this woman a day in my 24 years on Earth.

After a brief pause, she looked up from her smartphone with a look of irritation and confusion. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" She snarked as if I was being rude by interrupting her busy schedule of scrolling through social media while she was on the clock. Of course, I couldn't blame her for being confused, she doesn't seem like a Chatty Cathy type.

"Yes, I use to work at the café down the road, remember? You would come in every morning for your order," I explain. I've never worked at the cafe before, but for some reason, this lady seemed like she would go there. She would probably say she remembered me to prevent me from feeling embarrassed for myself.

"Oh yeah, I remember you now. You made the best coffees." Her carrot orange lips tilt into an uncomfortable smile. She shifts awkwardly, her body language stating she wanted this conversation to be over. I conceal my laugh with a cough and clear my throat.

"Damn right I did. Give me a hug!" I held my arms out towards her. When I thought the lady couldn't get more uncomfortable, she surprises me by taking a step back with wide eyes. Her wide eyes shift around as if she couldn't believe what was happening. A moment later, she snaps out of it. She hesitantly walks over and awkwardly wraps her arms around me. I smirk, knowing I've won. I have her right where I wanted her. I inched my hand from her shoulder and slide it down her back, disguising it as a friendly back rub. Carefully, I unclip the security card from her waist, gripping the dangly parts together to avoid any unnecessary sounds.

Having enough of hugging this stranger, I quickly detach myself from the wannabe clown. I slip the card from my sleeve into my coat pocket before she can notice. I discreetly look down at her nametag again. "Great seeing you, Vanessa!" I say with a wink and depart from the situation, turning around and heading towards the elevators.

Getting into the first available elevator, I hold the stolen keycard over the 'employee's only' scanner, listening for the little chime before pressing the button to the highest floor, waiting in silent anticipation.

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