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Dear Diary,

It was very fun.

I feel like I learnt a thing or two about everyone.

I don't remember telling you their names so I will now.

One of them is Kim Seokjin. He's shy, but he usually tests the water first to make everyone comfortable. I think that's very admirable. He also makes very bad dad jokes. Jimin is the only one who laughs at them honestly. He's very good at cooking and playing Mario Kart and he's handsome.

Fun(?) fact: We somehow always end up bickering. At first I thought I was doing something wrong, but Jaehee told me that friendly bickering is okay and normal. Just not cross the line.

Then, there's Min Yoongi. He's calm but lots of fun. We share the adoration for Lamb Skewers. He works really hard in everything he does. Taught me how to do the "Resting Bitch Face".

Fact: Has a dog name MinHolly and makes a very cute voice when he talks to him.

Kim Namjoon. He's very smart and a bit clumsy. He sometimes breaks things but builds even more. He has a very nice built body and dimples. Doesn't know how to cut onion. Him and Jimin have a Youtube Channel called MiniMoni and it's entertaining.

Fact: He went to the same High School as me and I had a crush on him. Can't believe I'm talking to him right now. T h i g h s.

Jung Hoseok. He's funny. He sometimes manages to make me laugh. He's very chill in many aspects but very strict if you ask him to teach you something. Kinda like the hopeful spirit in the group. I owe him very much for helping me warm up with other people.

Fact: Usually forgets our ages. Has a heart smile.

Park Jimin. He was my first friend in the group. He's kind and thoughtful. A little extra but a cool guy. Has a cat named Unmyeong. She's cute. A very confident and strong-minded person. His cheeks are squishy.

Fact: His uncle name is Jimmy and every time they meet they say "Hey Jimin! I'm Jimmy!" And I feel that's very wholesome.

And last but obviously not least, Kim Taehyung. He's funny. Handsome. Intelligent. Caring. Understanding. Thoughtful.

Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it-

Fact: I want to kiss him.

As I said before, I enjoyed it.

I hope maybe we can do it again.

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