Mean teacher

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Ms.gerard- " hello class I'm ms.gerard."

Then everyone introduced theirselves to the class. But then Khalil came to her class and gave her teacher a note.

Izzy- "bye Khalil!"

After lunch, they had study skills so, they can do what ever they want. So Izzy and her friends from 6th grade were in her class. They played truth or dare, guess who, and watched a movie with the study skills teacher.

Mr. Benard- "ok everyone it's time to clean up now."

Class- "alright!"

After reading and science it was time to go home. She didn't have any homework. Khalil picked her up and took her to justice house. He went to see his brother Darien.

It was 8:50 pm and she had to go to sleep. So she got wash, dresses in her pajamas, and tucked in bed.

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