New Boy

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Ms.Gerard- "we have a new student his name Jordan O'neal."

Jordan-"hi I'm y'all already know my name so I like to play basketball and draw."

After the first classes there was lunch. Jordan sat next to Izzy at the table.

Izzy-"hello, I have to admit I think I have a crush on you Jordan!"

Jordan-"I have one on you too.

Once they met they fell in love with each other on Jordan first day of school.

After lunch there was study skills and Jordan asked Izzy for her number because she had a iPhone 6 plus. When school was over she had to take the train home because Khalil was at his girlfriend house sleep. So she rode the train with Jordan, Jennifer, Janiyah, and Iyana.

Jennifer- " hi!"

Jordan- "you look nervous to meet me!"

Izzy-"she is!"

After all that, she was at home in her pajamas in the bed.

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