Chapter 2

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A/N: English is not my first language. Excuse me for grammatical and wrong spellings.



Singto knocks Krist's bedroom door. Krist says, " come in Phi, the door is not locked".

Singto sits beside Krist.

" Kit! I am looking for a condo in this building. The real estate agent said within 10 days a condo will be vacated. I am shifting into that condo after 10 days".

" Phi! Didn't you promise me you will stay with me until you go abroad"?

" Sorry Kit. Here it is very difficult to find a condo in this building. You knew it is near to our GMMTV building and most of the actors who worked in the entertainment industry live here. If I miss this condo, I have to move into the other building. It will be difficult for me"

" Phi! I did not ask you to shift from my condo".

" You didn't ask. But Hero is asking me to move. He is asking whether I break up with you in real life ''.

" Than tell him, we didn't break up. Phi! How can you leave me? You are with me for 7 years. This is 8 th year. We both have seen high and low together. We may not be married but did you forget our engagement is held in Korea in front of your close relatives and the monk you believe the most".

"Krist we already discussed all those things. Why are they bringing the same issues again and again".

" Phi! As per your customs exchanging rings means engagement. But as per my customs, exchanging rings means we are married. P' SING you are my husband.  When you don't hate me, How can I break my marriage? Shall I say one thing?"

Singto nods his head.

Krist hesitates for some time and with great difficulty, he says, "I know Hero comes to Bangkok every six months or sometimes within 3 months and stays for a week". Krist tears started. He bits his lip to stop himself from crying. His voice wavered, "I did not have any objection if you stayed with him whenever he came. You can come again to me".


"Yes! Phi. I can handle anything until you are with me. Didn't you love me even though I had a girlfriend? You suffered a lot at that time. I think it's my time to suffer now".

"No! Krist! At that we both loved each other, that's why I waited for you. But now, I am not in love with you anymore".


"I mean I like you and love you as a family member. But, I am not feeling as a lover has to feel for his lover. Kit! Try to understand the situation. You have to move on. I have already planned my future".

"P' Sing! I don't want to talk anything now. Do as you want. But remember one thing Phi. Our Relationship will end in real if you move away from this condo. Please don't come back to me if that Hero dumps you", said Krist as he fed-up with this thing.

Ok. I will never come back to you as a lover. I think you will be for me as a brother and friend in my life. Because you're the only person I feel like a family member after my father. It is already 11 p.m. Good Night Kit". Singto stands up from Krist's bed".

Krist holds Singto's hand and says, "Phi! Sometimes I can't understand you. One time you say you don't Love me as a lover. And sometimes you say I am family to you. You are also family to me. I don't know what is cooking up in your mind. But for God's sake just say what is there in your mind. We can discuss". Krist back hugs Singto.

Singto heart misses a beat. He holds Krist's hand and leans back on Krist for a minute. Then he says, " there is nothing to discuss Krist. Everyone has to move. It is there in nature. It's already late. Good night". Singto goes to his bedroom.

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