Chapter #2

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The night was cold and the cats knew leaf-bare was coming.

The morning came and Lionpaw woke up early so he could train with his mentor. But then Lionpaw noticed that Moonpaw was at the other end of the camp with Waterclaw. "Hi Lionpaw why'd you wake so early" Moonpaw meowed walking over to Lionpaw. "Hi Moonpaw, I was going to go on dawn patrol if you wanted you and Waterclaw could come with me and my mentor" Lionpaw asked. "Ok" replied Moonpaw.
The cats ran into the forest and found Blazeclan intruders.
"What are you doing on Moonclan territory!" Waterclaw growled.
"We thought that you would have put up your scent markers by now we thought you would" the blazeclan cats snarled leaving the territory.
The cats went back to camp to go to the fresh kill pile.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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