I love you, do you love me? pt. 11

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jimin pov.
JM: "good morning taehyungie, or should I say night? Doesn't matter, are you hungry? I made you soup! Now open wide!" He didn't open his mouth "I said, open wide!" He still didn't listen. "I guess that you want to go back to sleep, hm?" He shook his head and opened his mouth "good boy, taetae" I was about to feed him but then I heard a beeping noise
Tae pov.
I heard a beeping noise. jimin took out a remote, pressed a button and suddenly a screen appeared. On the screen there was a guy in a white mask walking around the house. I couldn't see his face but I was sure it's jungkook.
JM: "looks like your 'boyfriend' came to save you" he laughed and pressed another button and suddenly the guy was tied to a chair.
TH: "don't hurt him!"
JM: "don't worry, he won't feel a thing" he said as he loaded his gun, smirking.
TH: "no!!!" I yelled, but he was already out of the room.
Jimin pov.
I walked over to my prisoner. "So, you thought you could take my taehyungie away, huh? Well, you thought wrong!"
"Now, let's see your pretty, little, lifeless face" I took his mask off "what??? You're not jungkook!"
???: "and I'm not dead either"
JM: "what?! If you're not dead, where's all this blood from???"
???: "oh, this? Yeah, you hit a ketchup packet"
JM: "ugh! Where's jungkook?!"
???: "I dunno"
JM: "what do you mean 'i dunno'?"
???: "I got an order and did what I was told, I don't ask questions"

I love you, do you love me? {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now