Let Me Cut Your Hair

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"Just let me cut your hair, it doesn't look good like that" said the blonde ninja.

"NO WAY! what if you cut me!" Protested the brown haired Uchiha.

"OBITO!" yelled the blonde. Causing the silver haired ninja a few feet away from the bickering pare to jump.

"Sorry Senesi" Obito said sounding like a scolded puppy.

"I will cut your hair now" said the blonde

"ok" Obito said as he turned his back to his Sensei. 'hmph, how can they look so happy, even after Rin's death. I guess they don't care. then again I am the one who killed her even if by accident' Thought the silver haired ninja. After that the blonde sensei took the two boys home. Home for obito was actually Kakashi's house since the blonde sensei didn't want obito to be without a ninja ' that could properly protect him' so now the two boys are now eating dinner in Kakashi house.

~Present Time~
"Come on sensei let's go on a real mission" Yelled Naruto

"No because we still have to wait for someone"

"Aww, who do we have to wait for? " Naruto yelled again

"Well Naruto, like you wanted we are going on a 'real mission' but to make sure you three don't get hurt, we are going with a another man. Who is a good friend of mine" Said the older Uchiha.

"Who is this man then" Asked Sasuke


"Look that's the guy from the ANBU black ops!!" Sakura yelled

"Your late" Obito said to the ANBU

"Sorry, I had to tell my team I was gonna be gone for a while" The ANBU said

"Sure, ok guys this is Kakashi Hatake. He will be joining us for this mission"

"An ANBU wow thats so cool, believe it!!" Naruto yelled.

"So he's the loud one you told me about, right? " Kakashi said pointing at Naruto.

"Yeah" Obito said

"Mmm, this is going to be a long trip. So not only do I have to babysit you but I have to babysit the blonde as well" Kakashi said as he started to walk out of the village.

"Your only here because you have to help me keep them safe" Obito said as he clenched his fists.

"So, to me it's babysitting, you and those kids"

"Shut up Bakashi" Obito yelled as he tried to slap Kakashi, only to have Kakashi disappeared.

"Whatever, let's go" Obito said as his face turned a little red.

"Alright finally we can leave" Kakashi said as he appeared behind the kids. Taking his ANBU mask off

Ok so this is kind of short but here you.

Always Loved You (Obito x Kakashi) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora