Chapter 2

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After a couple of hours of setting up the campsite, we were all set. Now, we sat around a campfire roasting marshmallows. I was cuddled up in a blanket, leaning up against a tree. I smiled as the marshmallow browned and started to fall off my stick. "Might wanna take it off," my mother said, eyeing the sticky goop that threatened to fall on the logs below. I laughed and used graham crackers to pull it off. I was allergic to chocolate (which sucked) so my s' mores were made of crackers and marshmallows. I made a face at the exceptionally dry sandwich and shoved it in my mouth. I watched my younger sister, Tanya, bite back a giggle. "What?" I asked with a mouthful of marshmallow. She started to laugh when I wiped my face with the back of my sleeve. "You have marshmallow everywhere!" she exclaimed between laughs. I started to laugh at her and soon, everyone was laughing. That was until we heard a loud howl from the wood below. We were far into our pack territory where no one could bother us, yet far enough from the border. That only meant one thing. Rogues.


"Stay here," my father commanded, using his Alpha tone. My mother looked frightened while my siblings turned their heads to the sound. "Kids, get in the tents," my mother said, slightly dragging her nearest child, which happened to be Tanya. "It's okay, we have been training for this," Julia told her. "Yeah, as the eldest 3, we can handle it. You go back in the tent with Tanya," Jake said, ushering her towards the tent. She obliged and she and Tanya crawled into it. "Now listen here," Julia informed us, pulling me and Jake into a huddle. "Dad goes up under the cliff, I go behind us, Kat goes left, and Jake goes right." We exchanged some looks and came to a silent agreement. Julia jogged off to tell Dad the plan and returned with some intel. "He agrees. He said to meet back here once the rogues have been found," she said. Jake and I, the middle children, exchanged some nervous looks and nodded. I sprinted into the woods to the left of our campsite. I sniffed the air carefully, trying to find any source of the imposters. As I tramped through the woods, I finally caught the scent of someone. Unfortunately, as I raised my head to get a better sense of smell, I heard a twig snap behind me and it was too late.

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